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I thought I'd give you guys a little (much needed) backstory on Chanyeol... he wasn't always this way...

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Four years ago...

Thirteen year old Chanyeol was walking out of the school, on his way home. The teen was alone, having stayed behind to sort out some stuff with the band teacher.

He was aimlessly humming a tune, not really paying attention to his surroundings. He didn't notice when two guys, the biggest brutes in the school, came up to him and shoved him against the brick wall of the school. There's the scuffle of shoe soles on the gravelly pavement. Chanyeol heard the contents of his book bag crash together. One of the guys pushed his knee up against Chanyeol's stomach, effectively keeping him in place. Fear flooded Chanyeol's senses, his hairs standing up. The brute placed on of his hands on the wall to support himself, and the other was hovering above Chanyeol's throat. Chanyeol didn't know where the other guy went, all he could focus on was getting out without much injury.

"What do you want?" His voice was shaky, and his stomach was starting to throb from the constant pressure.

"What are you doing at this school, you dweeb?" The other guy's fish breath fanned over Chanyeol's face.

"What?" Chanyeol could feel his eyes becoming irritated, and tears were starting to gather.

"You don't belong here. You're weak. You're uncool. It would be better if you just disappeared." The bully dug his nails into the skin where his shoulder became his neck. His hands were rough, and caked with dirt and grime.

"Let me go." Chanyeol voice was barely as whisper as his tears threatened to spill. He was sweating with fear and anger.

"Who's gonna make me?"

"Let me go." He raised his voice as the familiar wetness ran down his cheeks.

"Oh, look. The baby's crying. I feel so bad." The brute dug his nails in harder, breaking Chanyeol's skin. A little bit of blood pooled at the spot, and the bully pinched at the rip harshly, coaxing the blood out. It ran in little streams down Chanyeol's fair skin, staining his collar with the color of rust. The guy swiped at the blood with his finger, pasting it on Chanyeol's cheek and all over his face, enjoying torturing the male he had pinned. The blood, dirt, sweat, and tears mixed, creating this horrid stench that had Chanyeol's stomach flipping.

"Let me go." Chanyeol simply refused to beg the monster.

"What's the magic word?" The brute taunted.

But he had no choice.

"Let me go. Please."

"That's better." The bully kicked both of Chanyeol's shins harshly before releasing his grasp. Chanyeol fell to the ground, his hands aching as they landed on the uneven pavement. The guy kicked his ribs for good measure, sending him skidding a few meters. The monster turned on his heal and bolted, having had his fun.

Chanyeol groaned and picked himself back up. He dusted himself up the best he could, wincing a little when he touched his calves. It's okay. This isn't the first time.

He dug around in his backpack, pulling out some rubbing alcohol and some clean cloth. After being beat up in the past, Chanyeol always made sure to have some on hand, just in case.

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