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Wow, we're on chapter twenty now...

Really really really short update because I've had zero time all this week.

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Baekhyun looks up. "Chanyeol?"

The giant shakes his head. "It's yours." He goes back to scrutinizing his phone screen.

"Hm." The brunet retrieves his (tiny) phone from the kitchen counter and returns to the living room, going to sit next to his boyfriend—it was still a little strange to call Chanyeol that. Chanyeol automatically wraps an arm around the brunet and pulls him closer.

"What is it?"

Baekhyun turns his phone on. "It's from Kyungsoo. 'Wonder what he wants." He fumbles with his phone slightly, smiling at the text. "He wants me to paint Jongin's portrait for his birthday."

"That'll be cool." Chanyeol looks over at Baekhyun's phone screen, taking to chance to peck his lips softly. The gesture had the brunet gnawing on his lips slightly, wanting more than half a second of contact. Baekhyun tugs on Chanyeol's arm, disappointed.

"Hm?" Chanyeol looks over, shutting his phone off and setting it on the coffee table in the center of the room. He's surprised when Baekhyun presses a lingering kiss to his lips. "What's gotten into you?" He laughs, holding Baekhyun by the waist and letting his small boyfriend lean on his chest.

"Nothing. I just wanted your attention," Baekhyun murmurs, playing with his fingers.


"Yes, really."

"Then I'm more than happy to give it to you." The giant grins, hugging Baekhyun tightly. "This the best."


"What was that?" Chanyeol turns his attention to Baekhyun's phone, which was up in the air, camera app open and shutter closing.

"Me!" Baekhyun laughs. "Smile!"

But instead of smiling, Chanyeol presses a firm kiss to Baekhyun cheek. The brunet's eyebrows shoot up in pleasant surprise, his smile stretching from ear to ear and mocha brown eyes molding into two beautiful crescents. Baekhyun retracts his arm and examines the photo, his giant laughing and cooing over Baekhyun's looks.

"I want to post it on Instagram, but my account is for art."

"This is art," Chanyeol smiles, "you are art."

"Shush." Baekhyun hits Chanyeol softly in the arm. "I can't handle direct praise."

"I know you can't. That makes it ten times better." Chanyeol grabs his phone off the coffee table. (The perks of being ridiculously tall and having really long limbs!) "Send it to me. I'll post it."

"Mm-hmm," Baekhyun hums as he sends the first photo. Chanyeol frowns.

"Not that one. The other one."

"The one where you're kissing my cheek?"

"Yeah, that one."

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