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Okay, so this is like the bloopers section of a video... sorta... not really... so much for an attention grabbing intro... welp

Anyhoo, it's a compilation of all of the ideas for this book that actually never made it into the storyline...

Without further ado, let's begin!

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Baekhyun stood outside of the gym, pacing back and forth. He was waiting for his boyfriend to finish basketball practice. The brunet shakes his head, glimpsing at his watch. Where is he?

He turns around, back to the gym doors as he surveys the surrounding area. Eh. The school looks as bland as ever.

Suddenly, his vision goes dark, and a pair of lips land near his ear. A wonderful scent wafts by, accompanied by a deep but soothing voice. "Guess who?"

Baekhyun leans against the well-sculpted chest of his boyfriend. "Yeollie."

Chanyeol hugs his boyfriend from behind, cupping his chin gently. "Hey love. Did you wait long?"

Baekhyun smiles. "A little. To be honest, I was getting a bit worried."

The giant's lips find their way to the brunet neck, kissing down the expanse of the smooth skin. "Coach made me stay extra and run laps because I made some pretty lousy shots during practice."

"Aw, poor you," The brunet laughs.

"You don't sound very pitying."

"Why would I feel sorry? It sounds like you deserved it." Baekhyun pokes his boyfriend's arm. "Just drink some water and you'll be fine."

"I'm offended. I thought you cared more."

"I do care. But not when you bring it upon yourself." The older plays with the giant's rough-ish hands.

Chanyeol steals Baekhyun's water bottle from the side pocket of his bag and waterfalls some water. The brunet throws his boyfriend an indignant look. "Wow."

The giant lowers the bottle. "What? You told me to drink water."

"You know you don't have to waterfall. I don't really care. You kiss me all the time anyways. I personally don't see the difference."

"Sorry. I'm used to waterfalling from a bottle that isn't mine. We do it all the time during games when one of us doesn't bring enough water. It's a habit." Chanyeol continues to drink, this time putting the mouth of the bottle to his lips.

"Mm-hmm." The brunet pokes his boyfriend's ribs absentmindedly, just wanting the skinship.

"Are you trying to choke me?" Chanyeol caps the water bottle and slips it in Baekhyun's bag. "You know I'm ticklish."

"I know." The brunet reaches up and prods Chanyeol's neck, who on reflex raises his shoulder to clamp Baekhyun's hand. "Aish!"

Baekhyun simply reaches up with his other hand and starts glossing over the other side. Chanyeol groans in agony. "Baek."


"You are so lucky I love you."

"I know." The playful brunet nuzzles his boyfriend's chest. "I know."

"So modest," the giant sarcastically remarks.

"I know."

"Would you stop? You sound like a broken record."

"I know."


"Oops. That last time was unintentional!" Baekhyun tiptoes to peck Chanyeol's lips. "Come on, let's go. We've spent enough time out here anyways."

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