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Chanyeol walks home after school, fixing his hoodie as he enters his house. Ahh. Home sweet home. He stretches, jogging up the stairs and into his spacious room. He flops down onto the gray and navy blue duvet cover of his king size bed and looks around his room, the blue, gray, white, and black colors merging. The giant gets up, walking over to open the white and blue curtains. I need some light.

When he deems the rooms suitable, he climbs back onto his bed and opens up the camera app on his phone. He runs a hand through his hair, mussing it up. He purposefully pats down a bit of hair over his forehead, making him look messy, but still neat at the same time. He lays down and begins to take selfies, trying to get the perfect shot.

He readjusts his hair a few times, then decides to put on a pair of fake glasses to bring out his eyes a bit more.


Perfect. Chanyeol nods at the photo and runs a slight filter through it. He opens his Instagram and posts the selfie, captioning it:

'Still looking good, even after a long day!'

He clicks on his profile, wanting to check his statistics. 83.5K followers. I'll be at 90K before I know it.

He goes back to his latest post, the comments section already flooded. He scrolls through them, stopping when he see a thread of comments centered around one user.

He clicks on the thread, looking though the comments.

'Wow, this looks like something @/ani_kkaebsong drew. Perfection!'

'Yes! @/ani_kkaebsong is amazing! I love his art!'

'I agree. You know, @/ani_kkaebsong should really draw Chanyeol sometime. I would pay to see that!'

'Omg, he totally should! Hey @/ani_kkaebsong, do you see us?'

'Please @/ani_kkaebsong! You must!'

Load more comments...

Huh? Who the heck is @/ani_kkaebsong? Chanyeol furrows his brows and goes to the search function in the app, typing in the strange username.

Instantly, the user profile pops up, and Chanyeol quickly scans through it. The profile picture is of a hand holding a pencil, right next to the unusual username. And right next to that...

What!? 91.8K followers!? How good is his art? Chanyeol finds himself almost nervous to scroll down.

Chanyeol swipes the screen, and is instantly met with amazing portraits of various celebrities, along with the occasional nature based drawing. There were watercolors, charcoal sketches, paintings, and even a few clay sculptures. Geez, how much time does this guy have? This is ridiculous! Even so, Chanyeol can't help but scroll down further, looking at the rest of the posts.

He clicks on a picture of a single tree, it's last leaf drifting away. It looks so lifelike. He raises his eyebrows. Huh, no caption. The giant sifts through the comments, wanting to get some more information on the guy. Aha! He opens the thread of comments that begins with:

'Hey! @/ani_kkaebsong, what school do you go to? I think I've seen some of your art before.'

'Aww, @/thatoneowl I'm touched that you actually recognize my works! I go to EXO high school! <3'

What? Chanyeol rubs his eyes, then rereads the comment. Still the same words reflect back at him, seemingly laughing in his face. Are you kidding me!? How did I not see this guy earlier?

Look At Me! (ChanBaek)Where stories live. Discover now