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After school, Baekhyun rushes to the art room to work on his top priority, Kyungsoo's request.

With only three days to finish a full fledged portrait, Baekhyun was nervous about not being able to pull it off. He had been working on a sketch during his spare time in class today, and pulled out the now-slightly-crumpled paper.

He stares at it for a long moment, not knowing where to start or what colors to use at all. Giving up, he pulls out his phone and texts Kyungsoo, asking for a picture of Jongin to base his work off of.

Kyungsoo doesn't reply right away, so while waiting, Baekhyun begins to mix a little bit of paint to work on Chanyeol's portrait. He smiles as he fills in the dimple on his boyfriend's left cheek, recalling how much he loves to poke it to get a reaction out of Chanyeol.

He's working on the folds of Chanyeol's tee when the giant himself walks in, hair dripping slightly with water and a few wet spots on his tee. "Hey."

Baekhyun looks up from his work, setting his brush down and wiping his hands on a piece of paper towel. "Has it really been an hour?"

"No, Coach had to leave early. Family emergency or something." Chanyeol sets his stuff down next to Baekhyun's and sits down next to him. "Aren't you supposed to be working on Kyungsoo's request?"

"I would, but Kyungsoo hasn't replied yet." Baekhyun unlocks his phone and passes to his boyfriend. "See?"

"Ah." Chanyeol reads the text and passes the phone back. "Can I see the sketch?"

"Here." Baekhyun passes the paper, which had a tiny splatter of red paint, to Chanyeol. "I was doing it during class, so it's rushed."

"But good nonetheless." Chanyeol looks at the sketch and then at its creator. "It's always good."

"Smile." Baekhyun picks up his brush again.

Chanyeol does, and Baekhyun pokes the prominent dimple, causing Chanyeol's grin to widen. "What are you doing?"

"Relieving stress." Baekhyun continues to prod the dimple.

"By poking me?" Chanyeol taps Baekhyun's nose teasingly.

"No, by being with you and making you smile." Baekhyun's sporting a smile that could rival the sun's brightness.

"Baekhyun..." Chanyeol trails off and presses a kiss to the brunet's lips to hide his hesitation.


"Nothing, just wanted to say your name."


"Can I go to the media center?" Baekhyun asks as soon as he steps into homeroom the next morning. "I need to return a book."

"Sure. Just put your stuff down."

Baekhyun walks over and sets his binders down on his desk, then walks out the door, almost overdue book in hand.

The hallway was almost empty, just a few students were here and there, getting the last things they needed. Chanyeol was one of them.

Baekhyun walks over and wraps an arm around his boyfriend's waist. "Hey."

"Hm?" Chanyeol looks to the side and immediately, a smile brightens his face. "What are you doing here?" He pecks his boyfriend's forehead swiftly.

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