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You people will finally get some proper ChanBaek fluff. <3

(Say the name!)

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As soon as the bell rings, Baekhyun jumps out of his seat and dashes out the door, excited to see Chanyeol again, even though it had only been an hour since English. He already missed his touch, his scent, and the goofy grin that appeared on his face. The brunet spots Chanyeol's fiery hair and runs towards it, eager to be with him again. "Yeol!" Baekhyun crashes his body against Chanyeol's warm chest, arms wrapping around the giant's waist as he squeezes him in a bone crushing hug. "How are you?"

This causes the students in the hall—and there were a lot of students—to stop and gawk at the sight. The rapid chatter slowly dies down, and immediately starts again. Most were girls, and most of them were appalled, if not outraged.

"What are you doing? Get away from him." One of them is brave enough to saunter over, even though Chanyeol has a huge grin on his face as he tousles the brunet's hair, clearly enjoying Baekhyun's company.

"Why should he?" Chanyeol shoots a look at the girl, turning to the side a little to shield Baekhyun from her. He wrinkles his nose slightly at the perfume—or did the girls call it body mist?— that the girl had put way too much of on. He could smell it from a meter away. Chanyeol can't understand why the girls like the stench of chemicals, he much rather prefers Baekhyun's natural scent. Speaking of, the small boy whines a little, the noise muffled by Chanyeol's clothes.

"He should not be associated with you."

"Oh, associated. Big word." Chanyeol shakes his head. "Pardon, but I believe that this school isn't a dictatorship. Kindly excuse yourself from my line of sight please."

The girl snorts and stomps away, not forgetting to flip her hair, making Chanyeol comically have a coughing fit over the hair product that the girl contaminated her hair with. Why? What is wrong with these people?

"Here, let me take your bag." Chanyeol turns his attention back to Baekhyun, tugging at his backpack.

"No, it's okay."

"Come on, I insist." Chanyeol leans down and presses his cheek against Baekhyun's hair.

"I'm okay, I promise." Baekhyun looks up, and upon seeing the huge grin and precious eye smile, Chanyeol stops trying to convince the brunet.

"Come on then." Chanyeol guides Baekhyun out of the school, careful to shield him from the glares.

On the bus ride home, Baekhyun texts his parents that he's going over to a friend's house—Baekhyun hopes that it won't be friend before long—and after getting off the bus, the two take right to Chanyeol's mansion-like house.

This time, Baekhyun is awake and conscious of his surroundings, so the mere sight of the residence stops him in his tracks. "This is...this is your house!?"

"Don't be so shocked, it's not like you've never seen my room before." Chanyeol hugs the small boy as he unlocks the gates. The giant throws the door open and leads the brunet upstairs.

"Welcome to my ro-" Before Chanyeol can even finish his sentence, Baekhyun had already leaped onto the giant's king size bed, burying his face into one of the memory foam pillows.

"Okay... that works too."

"It's comfy!"

"I know that." Chanyeol goes over to the brunet and tackles him as he's about to get up, keeping him on the bed and pressing kisses all over his face. Baekhyun chuckles from underneath him, happily sprawled out on the bed.

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