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Chanyeol runs a wet hand through his hair, attempting to fix the wayward strands. He had forgotten to do so before History, and valued his looks more than food.

He hears someone walk in, but doesn't check who it is until they're right behind him, meeting his own stare in the mirror. Great.

"If the words you spoke and thought appeared on your skin, would you still be handsome?" he speaks quietly, his gaze unwavering.

"What does it matter to you?"

"It doesn't. Just some food for thought."

"Then go away. Leave me in peace."

Baekhyun takes a hesitant step forwards, his gaze still locked on the giant's. "Don't be a narcissist. No one likes a narcissist. Don't be the master of lies and deception. Don't hide. You aren't helping anyone."

Chanyeol looks away, and Baekhyun takes the chance to spin him around. "No. Look at me."

Chanyeol slowly looks up.

"I don't know what happened to you in the past. But whatever it is, it's no excuse for you to be acting this way. Stop denying what you don't want to hear. You aren't that almighty."

Slow anger bubbled inside the giant at every word. He knows nothing. "You have no idea what I've been through! You don't know!" The giant slams a hand on Baekhyun's chest, pushing the brunet backwards. Baekhyun wobbles, but stays on his feet. He backs up until he can feel the cold wall press thought his top.

"I never said I did."

"No." Chanyeol puts a hand on the right side of Baekhyun's head, pressing his knee up against the brunet's stomach in an attempt to scare him. "You shouldn't be talking."

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"You have no idea how much trouble you've brought me." Chanyeol leans in so close that he can feel Baekhyun's breath on his lips. His breath smelled of spearmint, and Chanyeol recalled seeing him chew gum.

"Really? Then let me bring you more." And before Chanyeol can respond, the brunet's lips are on his.

They're soft and sweet, everything that they looked like. Before Chanyeol can do anything about it, Baekhyun pulls away, licking his lips. It was too short. The giant found himself yearning for more.

Baekhyun looks up through his lashes, biting his lips as if to challenge the giant. To see if he would lose his restraint. "Park?" The name sounded ethereal rolling off of Baekhyun's tongue.


"You never answered my question."

"Which one?" The giant asks flatly.

"The first one."

No. If the giant was being completely honest, the answer would be no.

Baekhyun presses the side of his face against Chanyeol's chest. His eyes flicker as if calculating.

"What are you doing!?"

The brunet looks up. "So you do have a heart after all. You just need to learn when to use it." Baekhyun swiftly presses a lingering kiss to Chanyeol's left cheek and easily escapes his grasp. "See you later!" He exits the restroom.

What the heck was that?

Baekhyun laughs to himself after exiting the bathroom. I just had my first kiss in a school bathroom. He shakes his head. What a day.

Baekhyun thought the kiss was nice. He enjoyed the sensation of the giant's lips on his. I'd like to feel it again sometime.

"Byun!" Baekhyun turns around to see Kyungsoo dragging Jongin along. "Where were you? We were looking for you."

Look At Me! (ChanBaek)Where stories live. Discover now