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Heck, are we on chapter ten already? Wow. Time files. :D

(Sorry for updating later than usual!)

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Sehun was getting a little annoyed, to say the least. The blond and his boyfriend were in Math, and Luhan was being crowded by students wanting his help.

Luhan was probably the top student in the math class, he had always been good with numbers. The older had tutored his boyfriend on numerous occasions. That was the only reason Sehun was in the same class as his boyfriend.

"Shoo, shoo. Give him some room to breath." Sehun leans over and ushers some of the students away.

Luhan is mildly amused. "Is Trigonometry really that hard?"


"What? Do you need help? Didn't I teach you this stuff a while back?"

"You did."

"Wait, were you jealous?" Luhan chuckles teasingly.

Sehun presses his lips together and looks away.

"Oh, so you were jealous." The older leans over and put a hand on Sehun's shoulder. "Don't worry, I only have eyes for you."


Chanyeol swallows, nervous. Kiss him? The giant had to admit, it was tempting. Baekhyun's beautiful lips were caught between his perfectly straight teeth, and the boy's hair was brushed down over his sparkling eyes, giving him a playful look. Oh, how Chanyeol wanted to brush the stupid half-smirk off his face.

But the only way to do that... would be to kiss him.

And that definitely was not happening. Chanyeol was not about to ruin his reputation by full on smooching the brunet in the middle of a literature class. No way.

"Come on Channie. Do it." Baekhyun grabs the giant's sleeve and leans against his chest. Mmm, he smells nice.

Huh? Channie? This guy's got some nerve. "Don't call me that."

"Fine then, I'll call you a coward instead. You seem to be wimping out anyways." The brunet enjoys the shocked look on the giant's face. "Wow, Chanyeol. You are way too easy." He sits back down in his own chair. "I expected more from you." The brunet snaps his fingers. "And what made you think I wanted to kiss you?" Sure, the brunet had a slight crush on Chanyeol, but that doesn't equate to wanting to be kissed by the giant. "Still want to rip my throat out?"

"More than ever." But the giant still couldn't keep his eyes off the moving pair of lips.

"Go ahead then." Baekhyun tilts his head back, exposing his pale neck to the giant. Chanyeol can't help but to touch the smooth skin, marveling at the softness. The warm feeling returns, rushing though him like a river, it's source at his fingertips, where his skin connected with Baekhyun's.

"Geez, you never told me that you were a daredevil."

"Pfft. You'd never rip my throat out."

The giant had to admit that he was right. There was no way he was going to physically harm the brunet. He glances at the sketchbook and a smirk creeps onto his face. But I might emotionally mess with him a little.

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