Boyfriend and sister rivlary

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Requested by NeeshaMitchell0 Enjoy!

Today Michael was coming over just to hang out and you were excited to see him but there was one problem your sister lisa didn't like him and Michael doesn't like her in fact every time they see each other they call each other names and you hate when they do this you wish they can just get along but sadly that's never gonna happen because they just genuinely hate and loathe each other.

You soon heard the doorbell and went over to it and saw Michael and smiled and invited him in.

You: Hey Michael

Michael: Hey Neesha

Your sister comes downstairs and sees him and sighs in disgust

Your sister: Ugh.. Michael

Michael: 😒🙄 Lisa

Your thoughts: Why can't these two just get along?

Your sister: Neesha I don't understand why you're dating him you'd be better off dating someone handsomer and non arrogant

Michael: HEY!😡😤

You: Hey! He is not arrogant He's kind and lovely and thoughtful don't say that about him

Michael: And at least i can sing!!!

You: MIKE!!!!!!!!! 

Your sister: Whatever

She leaves and you turn to him surprised he looks at you in an innocent way and you two just went upstairs and watched some tv in your room while cuddling.

Michael said he wanted to go get some snacks so you said ok and he went downstairs but as soon as he went downstairs he saw your sister and as irritated as he was he decided to just do what he went downstairs for then soon you hear these two arguing and since you couldn't take it anymore and went downstairs to stop this once and for all.

Once you came downstairs you saw them arguing and went in between to stop them.

You: GUYS STOP!!!!!! God I'm sick of this!!! You two are always fighting you guys have been doing this for years and I can't take it anymore either!!!! Look i love both if you but my gosh you two have got to stop this its stupid and childish so please for me stop Please.

They look at each other and realize that you were right it was stupid and childish and they apologized to you and each other you accepted their apology and they accepted each other apologies and from then in out anytime Michael came over your sister was happy to see him and he was happy to see her they would even hug each other when they see each other all three of you would even play some games together or even watch some movies together you were happy that they got along so that you can spend time with your sister and boyfriend together.

Alright you guys that's it i hoped you guys enjoyed this and if you guys did then you guys know what to do vote and comment and i'll see you guys next time ✌🏽

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