You get sick

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This is for hillberry21 Enjoy

It was a beautiful morning you woke up but you didn't feel so well your throat was hurting and your nose was stuffy you were wondering if you were sick 🤒 you would ask Michael if he could take your temperature but he's busy working on a new song so you went into the bathroom to get the thermostat.

Once you got in you put in your mouth and waited for awhile soon it was time to look at it you did and it was 100.3 you felt weak and sick you didn't feel like getting out of bed but you were hungry so you went downstairs to get you some food you saw Michael getting some food he saw you to and smiled.

You walked into the kitchen and smiled at him as well and got some food and warmed it up you sneezed and coughed Michael noticed and seemed very concerned.

Michael: Hillary are you ok.

Hillary: Yea i'm fine *sneezes again*

Michael: You sure???

Hillary: Yea *sneezes* Ok maybe i'm a little sick

Michael: A little???

Hillary: Ok i am *coughs and sneezes*

Michael: Awww Hillary why didn't you tell me you were sick

Hillary: Because you were working on a new song for the album I didn't wanna bother you

Michael: Sure the albums important but bot as important as you you'll always be my #1 ok?!😊😍💞😘

Hillary: Ok

Michael: Ok now lets get you better

Hillary: Alright

For the rest of the night and week Michael took care of you you were so happy and lucky to have such a caring husband that loved and  cared about you so much. Soon you felt better you thanked Michael for taking care of you and he said he'll do anything for you you smiled and then you both watched tv and snuggled.

Alright you guys Thats it I hoped you guys enjoyed this and if you guys did then you guys know what to do vote and comment and i'll see you guys next time ✌🏽

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