Caught Kissing!

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This was requested by NeeshaMitchell0 enjoy!

This will be in the history era

You and Michael have been going out for the past few years you both loved each other today you two were at home just cuddling you two looked at each other and started kissing.

You two weren't paying attention or listening cause apparently your cousin knocked on the door she came in and saw you two kissing and was disgusted.

Cousin: EWWWW NEESHA!!!!!

You two stopped and looked at her looking embarrassed she left the room and you two just looked at each other and chuckled soon you two were outside in one of the trees outside just looking at the sun and hanging out michael was holding you with his arms and you smiled being in them.

It was dinner time and your parents and your siblings and your cousin and you and Michael sat down and ate during dinner your cousin said how she caught you and Michael kissing your family laughed they knew that Michael was a few years older then you but you two didn't care you two loved each other and your family didn't care either

After dinner you helped your mom clean the dishes while Michael was talking and playing with your cousin after you were done helping your mom you went over to michael and your cousin and played with them too you guys played a few board games the wii and even watched some movies.

It was time for your cousin to go home her dad came to get her and you all said goodbye to her and she said goodbye and she and her dad left and drove back home.

For the rest of the night you and Michael relaxed and went upstairs and watched some movies and snuggled you enjoyed today even if you were caught by your cousin kissing your boyfriend it was still a still a good day and you enjoyed it and so did he.

Alright you guys that's it i hoped you guys enjoyed this and if you guys did then you guys know what to do vote and comment and i'll see you guys next time ✌🏽

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