He's Your Doctor

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This was requested by @xXRasdiXx enjoy!❣️

You gad a doctors appointment today and you really don't like going but you know that you have to cause it's mandatory and important so you get dressed and eat some breakfast and then head to your appointment.

When you get there you let the man at the desk know who you were here to see but they said that they weren't in and that there was a new doctor and that he would be doing your check up.

Once your time for your check up your doctor came and asked you to come to back to a room.

He had you sit down in a chair and then he introduced himself

Michael: Hello Hillary I'm Michael Jackson i'll be doing your check up today.

Rasdi: Okay

Michael: Alright lets get started

He does all the things that a doctor is supposed to do and while he was you couldn't stop thinking about how gorgeous he looks to you he looked so beautiful and you was wondering how can someone that beautiful be your doctor and also be born.

Soon he was done and you sat up and he put all the stuff into the computer and apparently everything went good as usual.

Michael: Alright Hillary everything seems to be going well so yea I guess i'll see you for your next appointment.

Rasdi: Guess so

Michael: Yup Goodbye Rasdi

Rasdi : Goodbye Mr. Jackson

Michael: You can call me Michael

Rasdi: Ok well Goodbye Michael

Michael: *chuckles* Bye Rasdi

You leave and head home and think about him all night until you fall asleep doing the same exact thing that you end up dreaming about him.

Alright you guys that's it i hoped you guys enjoyed this and if you guys did then you guys know what to do vote and comment and i'll see you guys next time ✌🏽

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