He gets Bullied

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This was requested by @smoothcrimmaildab enjoy!❣️

For a few months Michael has been getting bullied by these girls they have been picking on him calling him names and hurting him making him do their homework he hasn't been feeling like talking since this happened he has been crying himself to sleep at night we had a feeling something was up and we tried to get him to talk to us but he didn't want to he didn't want us to get involved he wanted to handle on his own.

He didn't hang out with us anymore he didn't hang out with you anymore like you two use to do when you little he also didn't talk to you anymore and tell you what was on his mind you two as siblings were always really close and always told each other what was bothering you but now he didn't and it worried you he also didn't hang out or go on dates on me anymore and it really made me sad you and me wanted to know what was wrong and we wouldn't stop until we did.

A month later I really wanted to know what was bothering him he was my boyfriend and I wanted to know and as his sister you wanted to know to and to help anyway you can so we called him over to my house to talk he came by still looking sad as he has been since he started getting bullied.

Me: Hey Mike

Shawna: Hey Babe.

Mike: hey 😭💔😢

Me: Are you ok?

Mike: Yeah why wouldn't I be

Me: I don't know you haven't been your for a few months and we just wanna know what's going on? Why haven't you been hanging out with us? Why have you been so sad?

Michael: It's nothing for you to worry about I can handle it

Shawna: Obviously you can't if it's making you sad and making you avoid us please tell us what's bothering you and let us help please

Michael: No I don't want you guys involved

Me: We're gonna be involved no matter what we're apart of your life and you're apart of ours we're always gonna be apart of each other's life so what's ever affecting one of us it affects the others. So please tell us what's bothering you?

Shawna: Yes please Michael!!

Michael: *Sighs* Ok... I'm being bullied

Shawna&Me: WHAT??????

Michael: Yeah...

Me: Who has been bullying you.

Michael: Georgia and her girls

Shawna: Georgia and her followers they've been doing this'll to you really??

Michael: They haven't just been picking on me they've also been hitting me and making me do their homework.

You&Me: Aww 😭. Michael we're so sorry

Michael: It's ok

Me: No it's not!!! They shouldn't do this to you!! You do deserve this no one deserves this!!

Shawna: We should tell the principal and get them expelled!!!

Me: Yeah we should

I call the principal and tell him what Georgia and her girls has been doing and he doesn't like what he's hearing everyone knows there's a no bullying rule at our school he said he wouldn't expell them but he would suspend them for a few months and he would tell their parents we weren't really happy about them not being expelled but at least we got something and them being suspended is good enough.

Once I told you guys the good news you were happy and so was Michael he was glad he wouldn't have to deal with them anymore and we made him promise to always tell us what's bothering him and he promised to do it.

The principal made the girls stop bullying and made them apologize to the people that they bullied even Michael and everyone accepted their apologies they will probably never fully forgive but they were willing to give them another chance.

Now that everything was back to being good Michael went back to telling you anything that was bothering him or just really talking to you in general about anything and we continued going on dates and we were all glad everything went back to normal and we made sure nothing like this would ever happen again.

Alright you guys that's it I really hope you guys enjoyed this and if you guys did enjoy this then you guys know what to do vote and comment and I'll see you guys next time ✌🏽

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