Your Friend Tries To Wake Michael

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This was requested by @smoothcrimmaildab enjoy!❣️

You were busy working while your friend who came over was watching something when she looked around and saw that Michael wasn't around.

Y/F/N: Where's Michael?

Shawna: He's asleep

Michael: What it's 3pm

Shawna: He's been real busy with the album it's been making him feel exhausted but it'll be worth it once the album's done

Y/F/N: Well how about I go wake up and the three of us have some fun

Shawna: Eh... if I were you I would let him sleep he gets cranky when someone wakes up when he's not ready to wake up.

Shawna: Oh relax I can deal with cranky

She goes up the stairs you shook your head at her knowing that when she wakes him up she's gonna wish she didn't

She goes up the stairs into you two's room and goes to Michael's side of the bed and tries to wake up

Y/F/N: Michael Michael!!!!!!! wake up!!!! MICHAEL WAKE UP!!!!!!!!

He wakes up screaming and like you warned her cranky!!!

You heard him scream and you stopped working and ran up the stairs to you two's room and you see him yelling at your friend


Y/F/N: Michael I'm sorry *She says laughing*

Michael: SORRY!!! You woke up me up and for what????!!!!! And what are laughing for?

Y/F/N: Because Shawna was right you are crank when you get woken up

Michael: Well yeah

Shawna: Well look I just thought you could wake up so that the three of us can have some fun besides Michael it's 3 in the afternoon

Michael: We'll I've been tired

Y/F/N: Yeah I heard look how about we go have some fun ride some rides play some games watch some movies anything and then for all I care you can sleep for however long you want let's just have sone fun for awhile.

Michael: Fine but next please don't wake me up just wait until I get up

Y/F/N: Okay I promise I will

Michael: Good ok how about we do all the things you suggested

Y/F/N: Okay that sounds look like a good idea

Michael: Shawna what do you think?

Shawna: I say that sounds like fun let's do them all

Michael: Ok! Let's get started


Michael giggles and you guys go on a few rides and then you guys play some games and once you're done outside you guys finish off with some movies.

It's now 10pm and you guys have had so much fun and you didn't want it to end but sadly it did but you guys had fun and you'll always remember this day.

Your friend leaves and then you and Michael say goodbye to her and after she leaves you two head upstairs and get ready for bed.

While laying in bed you two snuggle and watch an episode of a tv show before you go to sleep.

Shawna: So did you have fun today

Michael: Yeah I did I think your friend waking me up was probably what I needed

Shawna: Yeah probably but I'm glad you had fun

He smiles and kisses you and you kiss him back and then you two watch the episode until you turn off the tv and go to sleep.

Alright you guys that's it i really hope you guys enjoyed this and if you guys did then you guys know what to do vote and comment and i'll see you guys next time ✌🏽

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