Future Wife

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It is has been 20 years and in this time you and Michael are married well were you two divorced all over a big misunderstanding he thought he over heard that you didn't wanna be with and that you were interested in someone else and you didn't care about him anymore so he divorced you.

You told him that none of that was true but he didn't believe you and just went back to focusing on the album and for the next 10 years you felt a little depressed without him you were used to being with him and being without him hurt it really hurt.

You heard at work about this time travel device that take you back to a certain point in time and you thought you could go back to the day Michael divorced you and you can make him believe you and prove to him that you will always love him and then you two won't get a divorce and still be together.

You went to back to work at night when no one except security guards and told them you left something they let you go and you went to where the machine was in the building.

Once you got there you set the machine to where you wanna go and then once you do you hit the go button and then wait to be transported to that time.

Soon you back at the day he divorced you and it looks just like it did that day he's upstairs looking upset and you go over to him like you did he sees you and looks at you a little mad and upset because of what he "overheard".

You: Mike what's wrong

Michael: Like you don't know 😒😒😥

You: No I don't what is it???

Michael: You're planning on leaving me.

You: What?????

Michael: You're planning on leaving me!!!!!

You: No i'm not what would make you think that???

Michael: I overheard your conversations with your sisters yesterday about a trip and that you were excited to meet someone and that you've been getting irritated with me

You think about what he's saying and then realize

You: OHHHHH!!! No mike!!! You got that all wrong I'm excited to visit my friend in Spain who I haven't seen in 4 years and i'm just excited to see her and catch up and the reason i said you've been irritating me is because you keep leaving the toilet seat up when i keep asking you to put it down.

Michael: Oh I'm sorry baby guess I overreacted for no reason

You: Yeah guess so

Michael: I'm sorry but thanks for clearing this up for me

You: Sure just know that i love you

Michael: I know and i love you too

You two kiss and then you go back to your time and everything is now different but it's a good different cause now you and Michael are back to being married and everything is perfect and just the way you like it.

He sees you and smiles and you walk over to him and sit down on the couch with him.

Michael: Hey baby how was your day i missed you I thought you said you were gonna be home early

You: Yeah sorry Mike time just got away from me 😉

Michael: Ok well I'm glad you're home

You: So am I

You two kissed and cuddled and watched some tv you were glad to be home and back married to the love of your life.

Alright you guys that's it i hoped you guys enjoyed this and if you guys did enjoy this then you guys know what to do vote and comment and i'll see you guys next time ✌🏽

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