Chapter 1

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"My lord," Kraven said.

"What is it," I said.

"We have a situation down in the cells."

"What kind of situation are we talking about."

He said, "There is a newborn baby in the cell of one of the werewolf, and we don't know what to do."

I looked at him and said, "I'm coming." Once I was down there, I was just stunned at what a saw. Kraven was right a newborn was in the cell, and I can only guess the werewolf was it is the mother.

I looked at Kraven and said, "Give me your blade, Kraven."

Once I took the blade and yelled: "Open the cell."

Once they opened it, I walked into the cell and rammed the blade threw the werewolf throat, and as I did, I looked at the child. I put the edge to the baby's throat, but something told me this child could be of use to me in the long run. So I gave the sword back to Kraven and said: "Take the child."

"Where to sir?" he said.

"Give him to a maid for now until he is old enough to train, and then he will be given to a guard to watch." He shook his head yes and left.

This child could walk in the daylight and protect us when we are weak. He could bread an army of its kind to fight for us and do what we can't.

Seven years later

It has been seven years since I saved that child. I stood there with my 6-year-old daughter Sonja and my newborn Jade in my arms. We just stood there and watched Lucian train for hours until Sonja looked at me and said: "What will happen to him."

I looked at her and said, "He will guard us during the day time when we are weak and make others of his kind to aid him."

She shook her head and then looked at Jade. I could see the hatred she had for her, and I know it's because their mother died while giving birth to her, but it is not her fault. I made a promise to my wife before she died to protect Jade with my life and to keep her away from the politic of being an elders daughter.

I looked down at her, rubbed her cheek with my hand, and said to Sonja, "He is the first of his kind and is special."

She looked at me then Lucian and said: "Yes, he is."

I could see how interested she is with him, and it bothers me, but she is a child and its in their nature.

"Come you need to go to bed as well as your sister."

"Why it's not like she needs to sleep," she said.

"You will not talk back to me little girl and your sister need sleep just as much as you do, now go."

We both turned around to walk down the hall to her rooms, and once in there I o, opened it to let her in. Lily, a council member who has been helping me with Jade, followed us, so I turned and handed her Jade. Once Lily had Jade, she started to cry from being away from me, but Lily bounced her in my arms, and she calmed down.

I don't know why, but Jade always seems calm in my arm but not in other. The only other people she lets hold her like me is Drake, Lily, Ethan, and David, but they are all council members. Meaning they have power others don't and I guess they make her feel safe. Who knows.

Once Jade was fast asleep in Lily's arm, I walked over to Sonja who, as in bed on the verge of falling asleep. I sat on the bed, moved the hair from her face, kissed her head, and said, "Goodnight little one and sweet dreams."

"Night, dad," she said. I stood up, walked over to Lily, and said: "I will take it from her Lily go rest for the night I know you need it after this one keeping you up."

She smiled and said, "Anything for this cute girl, but I think you just want her for yourself."

"I have been busy and unable to spend time with her so yes I do now give her," I said. Lily laughed at me and said, "Alright."

She handed her to me and walked to her room. Once in my room, I put her on the bed and went to get changed. Once done, I  picked her back up and put her in the crib. Then I went to my bed to go to sleep, but she started to cry. I got back up, walked over to her, and said: "What's wrong."

She keeps crying so I picked her up cradling her to my chest and she stopped crying. I walked back to the bed and settled her in between me and a pillow in the middle of the bed. She went right to sleep, and as did I.

I saved Lucian all those years ago to help my kind but little did I know I would come to regret my choice in so many ways.

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