Chapter 13

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After meeting my sister, I ran to Lucian side in the cell. Once there, I embraced him, but I avoided his lashes. "You must leave Lucian it's not safe here."

"I need the key first love."

"I have it now go I will me you in a day at the river," I said. He took the key and removed his collar. We embraced, kissed, and he took off to let the other lycans free.

I ran to my room, and then the syringes went off. I saw Kraven run to Jade's room and father going outside, so I hide.

Once it was clear, I went to my room to start packing. I love my family, but Lucian means more to me then they do, but I hope I don't regret this in the end. In the end, I did.


Who does Sonja think she is to hurt her sister, but before I could say something, the alarm went off. God damn, that dog got free. I told Kraven to protect Jade and went outside.

Lucian was attacking my men while the other lycans escaped. He looked at me, smiled, and took off. I should have killed him when I had the chance, but I can't do anymore right now with the sun being up.

I went down to his cell to see how he escaped, and I saw he got his collar off once more. Then I saw the cell door broken. That must be how they got so far without getting caught by the guards. I picked up a piece of dress the looked like Sonja. I smashed in my hand and started back upstairs.

I need to find Sonja, so I went to her room and saw her on her bed in a nightgown. "What is it father," she said. I walked up to her and said: "Why did you hurt your sister."

"She pissed me off I will say sorry tomorrow, but that's not the only reason you're here right," she said. "No," I said as I move the hair from her. I dug my fangs deep into her neck. She was fighting me but am much older than her.

I saw her and that dog in the tower making love, and she helped him escape. So Jade was right. God if I had only believed her. I realized her by throwing on the bed and said: "You betrayed your own kind for a dog."

"Father..." She said, but I stopped her and slammed the door shut. "Guards," I said, "Don't let my daughter out of this room."

"Have guards put gas in the cellar and where he had escaped to prepared for an attack to tomorrow."

"Yes, my lord," said the two at the door, and the other one started to the armory.

How could she do this to us she will be brought before the council to reserve her punishment, but first I need to apologize to Jade about not believing her.


I woke up when I heard the alarm go off. Kraven bursts in the room in his armor and said: "The lycans got free now come on and get dress fast."

But I'm still half asleep so fast in like my normal pass which is slow. He rolled his eyes, rushed to get my pants, shirt, and shoes. He threw them at me and said: "Come on, Jade."

"Why I am sure dad told you to keep me in here anyway," I said. "Yeah well just hurry up before I make you."

I growled at him and got dressed even slower them before he was about to make good on his threat when dad came in and said "Its no good Kraven she does the opposite of what you want unless it is dire of course."

Kraven grumbled, and I giggled at him. He shot me a look like I will regret that later, but dad said: "Leave I need to speak with my only daughter."

"What do you mean only..." Kraven started to say, but dad cut him off and waved Kraven away. I rushed to him and said, "What happened dad is Sonja hurt."

"No but I know what you said is true about your sister and it is against our law," he said. "Dad, she still Sonja she just slept with him right."

"Yes but she has lost her chance at the council chair and many other things."

"But she is still sis, so she will be ok right daddy," I said being all cute trying to save sis. He hugged me, kissed me on the forehead and said: "Yes for know little one now grabbed some off your clothes, you, staying in my room tonight."

"Ok but can I see Sonja first," I said, and he shook his head yes.

"Love you daddy, and I will be in your room in an hour," I said as I kissed him on the cheek and went to Sonja.

I saw a guard in front of her room, so I said: "Viktor said I could go in."

They look at each other and let me in. Sonja stood up looking happy, but then she saw me and just sat back done. I rush over to her, hugged her, and to my surprise, she hugged me back. "I thought you were dead sis," I said, "Don't ever do that again." She looked at me and said, "You not mad at me for hitting you or pissed like dad is."

"I could never stay mad, and dad will get over his anger; it is just you betrayed him, and I pulled my cute eyes on him," I said.

"You and those cute eyes you always get what you want from dad when you do and I know where you two come from Jade, but I love him," she said.

I feel sorry for her, but I said: "Sis I love you no matter what you do and it will kill me if you die so don't do anything stupid or rash that will kill you please I keep dad off you for as long as I can."

I know my eyes were watery, and so were hers. She said, "I will do my best sister, but don't get you hope ups and know I love you ok, and can you give this to Jena please."

"Love you too sis and yes," I said as we hugged and kissed.

I went to Jena, gave her the letter and said: "Sonja told me to give this to you."

I left her and went to dads room with a night grown. Why he wants me to stay in his room boggles me I'm sure Kraven can take care of me, but then again he is my dad and very protective.

I opened dads door and said, "Can I come in, daddy." He looked at me and said, "Yes, you may little one."

"I am sure you tired so rest some ok."

I hugged him and said, "Ok dad goodnight."

So I got in bed and went to sleep. I woke up sometime in the middle of the day to dad holding me as he used to when I was a little girl, and I was scared of the dark. Just thinking about that makes me want to laugh, and I went back to sleep.

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