Chapter 15

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My daughter is pregnant with a monstrosity and she is proud of it. I held Jade in my arm and then told the guard to "Take her to my room and stand outside until I get there."

She tried to fight me on it but I held my hand up and stopped but she said: "Daddy please."

She knows what I'm thinking she always has when I'm upset but what Sonja did is unforgivable and don't think I can't let this slide. The council certainly will not so I just said: "We will talk later Jade now go."

She looked so sad but it what I must be done and it will be done. I convened the council and David said: "Viktor this is unforgivable and she must be dealt with properly."

Lily said, "Jade can take her place on the council and Jade is more loyal to you then Sonja."

They are right but killing her sister will break her heart even if she still has me. "Her trial will be held tomorrow where we will all decide her punishment then."

I had my men bring Sonja to a private room so we could talk. "Why Sonja just why" I yelled.

"I love him and our child will be great."

"No it is an abomination and if it weren't for that child I could spare you," I said.

"So my punishment is death," she said.

"It will be decided tomorrow but even if it is not the punishment will not be easy as they have been before."

She looked at the ground and said: "I will accept any punishment but I want to speak with Jade first."

"No, you will not put your sister through this she has been through enough as it is because of you."

"She will hate you if I die father you know that," she said.

"No she will be mad at me but your sister will never hate or betray me as you did," I said, "Guards take the traitor back to her cell."

God damn it what will I do about Jade she will be with someone strong who can no o lying love her but control her. That's where I went wrong with Sonja and Jade will not be with Kraven. No, she needs to be with a council member and that's Drake. I went to my room to see Jade on the bed just waiting for me.


Dad had his guards drag me to his room and made me stay here till he gets back. I know what he is going say isn't good but I just hope he can forgive her. So I just sat on his bed waiting for him and look he carried it wasn't good news.

"Daddy," I said. He threw his back, groaned and said: "Those puppy dog eyes are not going to work this time little one."

I opened my mouth but then shut it. "What's going to happen to her."

"Her punishment has yet to be decided but it is leaning to the sun," he said. I opened my eye wide at the thought put he would put his own daughter through that. "But she is Sonja dad you can't."

"I can and I will Jade she went against are laws and created a monster."

I'm so pissed and upset I just ran up to him and started hitting him on the chest. He grabbed me, pulled me to him and just keep me there till I stopped fighting him. God dammit, I just fell down and broke down crying in his arms. He picks me up like child sat on the bed with me in his lap and held me there till I drifted off to sleep.


Jade was hitting me hard but if its what she needed to do I will let her for now. She stopped hitting and just broke down crying in my arm. God I feel so fucking bad about this but it must be done and she will come to understand in time.

I picked her up, carried her to the bed and sat her on my lap. I just held her there till she fell asleep. I rest my head on her head and sighed but I need to get Jade to bed.

I put her on the bed, pulled back the covers, picked her up slowly and put her under the covers. I kissed her forehead, pulled the covers over her and walked to the window to watch the forest. My daughter will be killed in one day and there is nothing I can do about it but watch because she ruined her life for a dog. My other daughter is broken because her sister is to be killed.

I got into the bed pulled Jade to me and held her as I did went she was a baby but I think I will be doing this till she forgets about her sister. I drifted off but woke when Jade started to move in my arms and I just tightened my grip and said " Shhh" to her until she stopped and went back to sleep.


I should have known dad would never understand but Jade did to some level. I need to talk to her but how because dad will put her on an even shorter leash than before.

I need to talk to her to say I'm sorry and I love her. I haven't seen Lucian seen we were dragged away from one another but I need to see him too. I hope he is ok I thought right when the guard threw him in with me and "You and your whore can stay in the same cell."

Lucian jumped to attack them but I grabbed him before he could because they had the upper hand right now. Once they were gone I grabbed him and pulled him to me. "I love you," I said.

"I love you too and our baby," he said touching my stomach.

"Whatever happens Lucian protect my sister," I said after all I have caused her enough pain.

"I will but you come first love."

I wanted to tell him me and the baby will probably be dead soon but I know he will just get himself killed and I can't have that for my sake and my sisters.

I kissed him and said, "I need to rest tomorrow will be a long day."

He shook his head sat down and said: "I can't give you a blanket but I can be your pillow." I smiled at him, sat down and put my head in his lap.

"I love you and if I can't tell Jade that then tell her for me."

"You will tell so stop talking like that and go to sleep."

I shook my head and went to sleep.


The way she talks she thinks she will be dead soon but Victor would never kill his own child. Even if he does I will never let it happen not to her or my child.

Nor as much as I hate it to say it her sister. I put my head back against the wall, played with her hair till was asleep then drifted off tomorrow. What happens tomorrow will change my life forever.

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