Chapter 3

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My names Jade, my father is Viktor a vampire Elder, and I have an elder sister Sonja. It was just another day here in the castle dealing with my asshole of a father. He loves me, but he has a hard time, it. My sister blames everything on me especial the death of my mom, and she hates me.

I hate being a vampire when I'm around my family and, was like any other, which involves my sister skipping the council meeting, and I tuned it out since it doesn't concern me. So when it was over dad, and I hear the alarm he said, "What has that girl done this time," and I just looked at him and said nothing.

We went to see what was going on and what we saw was Sonja running from lycans. My father said, "Why can't she stay out of trouble for once." I whispered, "You let her get away with."

He looked at me and said, "Repeat that, Jade."

I looked at him and said, "Well, you are the one who lets her get away with it, dad."

He grabbed me by the throat and pushed me against the wall making me whimper, and he said: "How dare you speak to me that way I'm your father."

"I'm sorry, dad it won't happen again, I swear."

He let me go and said, "It better not, know, let go see your sister."

My father is not nice when mad and he can get violent very violent which why I watch what I say but my sister doesn't. Not that it matters she get away with it since she is on the council and is more important. Once we got down there, my father said: "You must be more careful, my daughter."

She looked at the smith and said: "Take my sword and go clean and sharpen it."

The smith said, "Yes, milady."

"You should show more respect to the person who saved you," dad said.

Sonja said, "Right sorry father, but I must get to my room. I have business."

Once she got off, her horse; dad looked at the smith and said: "Keep your eyes down smith."

The smith just shook his head and went back to work. Sonja passed me, so I said, "Hi, sis, are you ok."

She said, "Fine and don't ask again. I'm too busy to deal with you."

I looked at her with a sad look as she walked away, and I said: "Sorry, I'm such a nuisance."

It hurts how she talked to me, but you would think I will be used to it by now. God, I wish I was. My father went in after her, and I just stayed outside for a little while. I went up to the wall and looked out at the forest and saw how beautiful it looks. Dad never lets me out of the castle for what reason I don't know its not like he cares about me, or at least he is not very good at showing it.

I wish I could go out there even if meant dying, but before I got any farther in my thought, Kraven came up to me and said: "It is not wise to stand so close to the wall Jade if your father knew he would kill us."

"Especially if you got hurt," Kraven said as he told a step behind me.

I looked at him with a sad look and said: "I doubt he would care if I got killed no offense to you, but I know it's your job to protect me, so I leave to the safety of the castle."

Kraven looked at me and said, "Jade doesn't say that your father would care."

I felt his hand wrap around as he moved my hair from my neck and said: "I would care as well."

It sent a shiver down my spine, and he knew because he started to kiss my neck, but before he could I said: "It's been a long day Kraven I need to get some sleep and be safe."

I looked at him and smiled knowing it was because he does something to me that I can't explain, and it drives my body nuts, but in the end, he isn't the one I truly want. The one I want is an elder and too far out of my reach. He is more suitable for my perfect sister.

He looked at me and said, "Always milady."

I just smiled and headed for the castle, and once there I went to my room to rest, but I couldn't sleep, so I went to the top of the tower. I go there to think, but once there I saw my sister and the smith together making love.

I turned around and ran to my room what I just saw is forbidden. What should I do? I got up and went to my dads' room and said: "May I come in."

He said, "Yes, you may."

When I opened the door, I saw Kraven with my dad, but as I was coming in, he was leaving. Once in the room, I said, "Dad, I need to talk to you about Sonja."

"What is it with you and her why can't you get along," he said.

I said, "She hates me; that's why but this is serious."

"Your sister doesn't hate you and you risking your life isn't serious," he said as he walked over to me making me say "What do you mean."

He looked at me and said, "So what Kraven just told me was a lie that you didn't go near the wall and that you didn't say I wouldn't care if you were killed."

I looked at him then the floor and said: "It's not like you and Sonja love me, and if you do, you don't show it that well."

He slapped me and said, "You are my daughter, and if you die, it will break me, so I better not hear you say that again is that understood."

I looked at him and said, "Yes dad, but can I tell you what I came here for," and he said, "If it involves your sister then no."

"But why if it was her coming to say something about me you would let her," I said.

"Because I have enough lies from you today," he said.

"But it's not a lie you see for yourself dad," I said as I held my wrist out, but he just said, "No, know go to your room is that understood."

"Fine when Sonja pregnant with a half breed don't come to me," I said.

"What you say," he said, and I looked at him and said, "I saw her and the smith together."

He yelled, "Leave this instant."

I shook my head and headed to my room and went to bed.

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