Chapter 16

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I woke up to Jade still fast asleep in my arms. I kissed her on the forehead, got up and then pulled the covers up over her. I walked to the window and watched the wind blow the trees back and forth.

Jade slowly sat up and said, "What time is it, daddy." I smiled at the fact she still calls me that and said: "The council convenes in an hour."

"Why so soon the sun just went down."

"Because it is sweet heart and you're not going anyway," I said. She shot up and said, "Why."

She got up to fast and started to fall. I rushed up to her to make sure she didn't fall on the floor.

I helped her up and said, "Because this is you sisters trial that's why."

She looked sad but said, "I have a right to see Sonja and her sentence."

"Fine but one outburst Jade and you're out of there."

"Alright, but can I talk to Sonja before the trail."

I sighted because who knows what Sonja will say to her. She might talk her into betraying me but if I keep her away from her sister it might make it worse. "Fine I will have her brought here but you need to get ready because I'm not moving the trial even for a minute there are some clothes in my closet for you."

She shook her, jumped up to hugged me and said: "Thank you, daddy."

I am glad she is happy but how long will it last. "Go get ready I will have the guards bring her."

"Alright," she said. She started to walk away but I pulled her into a hug and kissed her on forehead first then left. I looked back at her and she had a surprised look on her face.

I went to the guard who was in front of Sonja cell and said: "Bring her to my room so she may speak with her sister but stay outside the door at all times."

"Be very vigilant as well."

"Yes my lord," he said.

He went in grabbed Sonja who was asleep on that mutt but he about bit his head off which woke her up. "Call your dog off if you want to speak with your sister."

She looked surprised but said, "Stop Lucian."

He did but he was ready to pounce on my guard any minute but he got Sonja in cuffs and out of the cell without any troubles.

She looked at me and said, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, thank your sister."

I walked away from her as they started for my room. I went to Sonja room and just thought about what I did wrong with her and how it will never happen with Jade. I was walking past my room when I heard the two bickerings. God Sonja going to die and she has to pick a fight with her sister.

"Guards take Sonja to the council and tell Jade I will get her in a minute."

"Yes my lord." God help me.


I went in the closest to get dress but what I saw resembled Sonja outfit all except for her pendant.

I went in the closest to get dress but what I saw resembled Sonja outfit all except for her pendant

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