Chapter 7

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It was just another morning and another council meeting. Except for Jade not being here after all she always is. Then I hear her yell for Viktor, who then told me, "Go see what's wrong with her."

God, what was wrong with her father already in a mood this is not going to help either. I opened to door and saw the smith about to attack her. I pulled my blade out and held it to his throat, and I yelled her to me. Once she did, I tried to pull her into my arm, but she got behind me instead.

I yelled for Viktor to come up and he said "What is it know....." but stop when he saw what was happening. He and Sonja argued about his punishment as jade held onto my back.

Viktor walked up to us, grabbed Jade, and waved me to cuff him as he led her to his room. I heard them talk, but once she said: "All right, I will think about it, and when will I meet him."

I walked into the room and "You won't have to," I said with a smile on my face.

Once she left the room, I decided to stay behind her to get a better look at what will be mine soon.

We went to the kitchen to get her some blood, but in the end, she just dumped it. So we started to her room once there I took of some of my armor. "You don't have to sit in my room to watch me, you know," she said got on the bed and laid on her stomach.

"Yes I do, and you're hungry," I said with a smile on my face because I know she needs fresh blood which I can give her.

She rolled over on her back and said: "Well, the blood was gross worse than usual."

I took off what little armor I had left and started to get on her bed and said: "Fresh blood would taste good."

She sat on her elbows and said, "It would be fantastic," as she lay back down on her back.

I got fully on the bed and crawl to her as I got on top of her I was thinking how good it would feel to be in her and said: "You could drink from me."

"I don't know Kraven," she said as her eye went crystal blue and fangs extended. See her body wants me I don't know why she fights me so hard then.

I smiled and said, "It looks like your body does." Which is true.

She looked at me and groaned and turned she head to the left as I took my nails to cut my neck to let my blood drip down on to my face. So she can crave me as much as I want her and god I want her. I just smiled at her as I brought my head down to her neck that I want to nibble and said: "It will make you feel better."

She used all her strength to push off the bed, so I was sitting on my lap, and she just looked me straight in the eye.

I moved my shirt and made my blood more visible as she started to lower her head to my neck as I whispered: "You belong to me." But I don't think she can hear me, which is good because she would have fought me.

She wrapped her hands around my shoulder sunk, her fangs deep into my neck, and it felt I like pure ecstasy. She moaned at the pleasure my blood was giving her which felt great now she wanted, and I threw my head back and groaned.

As she was feeding, I started to kiss and nibble at her my neck because I couldn't resist which in return made her moan. I started to go lower, but before I could go any further, she got off of me and said: "I'm want to see what dads doing."

She felt flustered, and I just smiled at her now that I'm the one that caused and said: "You should clean up first."

She forgot she had blood running down her mouth and started to the bathroom, but before she could, I grabbed her and pulled her to me. I took my finger and wiped the blood from her mouth. Her mouth felt so soft.

"You should to," she said as she went for her cape.

I head for my armor so I could get ready to leave with her. "I'm ready," I said.

"Let's go," she said.

I just chuckled at her as we went out the door. I think it's time she gives into me but let's go find Viktor as she wants. She stopped and looked at me and said: "Kraven, you know where dad would be or no."

I stepped close to her and said: "Proudly meeting with the council to finish their meeting."

"I thought they already did Kraven or did I miss something."

"You missed something it was cut short when you yelled for help, and they have to judge Lucian," I said.

"O," she said, "Well, let's go see."

"Fine but I will walk in front of you to protect you," I said. She will be safer behind me instead of in front of me.

She rolled my eyes and said, "Fine."

She followed me to were the council meets as held and saw Viktor dealing a judgment to Lucian and Sonja looking very sad. Once there, I stopped paying attention to the meeting, especially with Jade so close to Drake and me giving me a death glare, but I ignored it.

The meeting didn't end until an hour before sunrise, and once down, Viktor notice Jade and I were there in the corner.

He walked up to us with Sonja following suit and said: "How are you feeling Jade and were you good for Kraven."

"I'm fine, and yes, I was good," she said, and I said, "She was excellent today." She gave me a dirty look because she knew what I meant as Viktor said: "Do you know who you're staying with tonight Kraven or me."

Sonja looked at us and said, "She is old enough to take of herself, dad." Viktor said, "Was I asking you, Sonja," and she just shook her head.

"I agree with Sonja I can stay in my room," she said, and Viktor just looked at her as she hid behind me which is cute as hell and she said, "Or I could just stay with Kraven."

Viktor smiled at her and said, "That will be fine now go to your room and get some cloth to take to Kraven room."

"Alright I will go there now, I will see you in a minute Kraven," she said, and Viktor was going to say something, but I said, "Alright I need to speak to you my lord anyway."

He looked at me and said "As you wish" as we headed for his room and the girls theirs.

Once there, he said, "What did my daughter do know Kraven."

"It's more like what she didn't do."

"Let me guess you almost had her, but she backed off, and you think I can do something about it," he said

"Kind of," I said.

"I can't make her give into you and Drake is still on the playing board, but I can stall her getting a new room," I said.

"I well aware of that, and thank you, my lord, I will leave you to rest my Lord."

Once I was talking to them started to my room, and once there, I saw Jade laying in my bed fast asleep. I stripped all my clothes off but my night pants to show respect to her. I snuck in behind and put my arms around her. Hooking her to me as I put my leg over her caging her to me. I kissed her neck and then went to sleep.

I woke sometime later because of Jade squirming in my arm. I just tightened my grip, and she snuggled closer to me and went back to bed.

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