Chapter 14

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Sincerely Sonja
I was to meet Lucian by the river tomorrow but Viktor knows about us so I ask you to tell him I will not meet him. Tell him to forget me for now but when I can get away from father I will find him and be with him. Please do this Jena.

Once I got the letter I left the next day to meet Lucian to tell him about my lady. "Were is Sonja."

"Viktor knows about you and her she is, put in front of the council but she wishes you to leave her until she can get free."

"She will die," he said.

"No her sister Jade will do whatever it takes to keep her sister alive," I said.

"She is the reason he knows."

"No you escaping is what made him know not my lady sister leave Sonja alone for now and she will meet you later."

He just looked at me and said: "Tell her to be ready to leave tonight."

"Fine end both of your lives," I said as I rode back to the castle.

Once in the castle, I tell Sonja what he said and then left to Jade. "Jade may I come in," I said.

"Yes why Jena," she said.

"Stay in your room tonight let no one in except for your father for Lucian come for your sister tonight."

"Alright, I will stay in my room." I was surprised she didn't go tell her father but then she now Sonja life is at risk here. I left for my room and locked myself in there.


I walk to Jade's room to speak with her but I hear her and Jena talking. I hear Jena say Lucian will attack us tonight and tells Jade not to tell me and she agrees.

I am not to surprise after all it is her big sister, but she is my daughter as well. I walked down to were Lucian escaped last time and said, "Guards."

"Yes, my lord," four of them said. "Put oil here with the gas you put last night for we will be attacked tonight and put strong guards in front of Sonja door." They shook their head and started.

I walked to where all my men were and said "Be ready for tonight for we will be attacked tonight and I want all of you to be on guard. "Yes, my lord," they all said.

I walked up to Kraven and said: "Walked with me to Jade's room." He did, and I said, "Stay with Jade until this is over and if anything goes wrong to take her to the boat with the elders, understood."

"Yes, my lord," he said. He walked into Jades room, and I walked to mine. Once there I got dressed in my armor and had my weapons on me, and now we wait for the attack, but I stopped by Jades room on the way to battle and heard them yelling "She betrayed you and you belong to me now."

"Like hell I do I hate you Kraven you an ass hole, and I belong to dad, not you."

"I will stay with him because he will never leave me."

That's true she is my baby girl, and I was wrong to try and push them to together, but that doesn't matter she belongs to another now even if she doesn't know it. I will fix this tomorrow.


I'm in my room waiting for Lucian dressed in armor. Dad will not let me go easy and hope Jade doesn't suffer for this. I heard the guards fight, so I stood up and when the door opens, Lucian comes in.

I rushed to him, kissed him, and embraced him. "We must go, love," he said. I shook my head and started to the cellar were Lucian had escaped from. Once down there, we rn but the fire was set in front of us, and we turn back, and another fire was set. Then to the left of us until we are strapped

"We must go up Lucian." He shook his head and went first. I followed him and killed my own kind, but then father comes for me. I dogged his attacks, strike for his helmet that fell off, and he got me on my face, but it was just a flesh wound.

I tripped him, he landed on his ass, and I said, "This enough, father."

"No, I will not let you go with that dog," he said. Lucian was being held by guards, and I said: "Then you will kill your grandchild father a mix between the breeds."

He was stunned but never the less started to fight me again. I had him when I heard my sister say, "Stop Sonja, please."

I turned to my sister, who was on the verge of cry. God, she is a pain in my ass, but she is my baby sister. I looked down at my father who just was staring at Jade now as she walked up closer to me and said: "You said you try sis." I looked at her and cut puppy eyes.

I rolled my eyes at her through the sword away from me and pulled her into a hug. "You're a pain in my ass baby sister."

"Yep," she said, smiling, "but I will talk to dad and love you." The guards yanked me away from her, put me in cuffs, and dragged Lucian and me to the cells. Something told me I wouldn't have hurt dad even if Jade didn't get involved.


"Let me go Kraven she is my sister," I said but he just keeping me in my place.

"She betrayed you, and you belong to me now."

"Like hell I do I hate you Kraven you an ass hole, and I belong to dad, not you."

"I will stay with him because he will never leave me."

I kicked him and ran outside to sis say, "Then you will kill your grandfather a mix between the breeds."

I was in all at what she just said, and so was dad. "Stop Sonja please."

I don't know what I would do if I lost both of them and it came out before I could comprehend it. I walked closer to her and said: "You said you try sis."

I looked at her and gave her my cute puppy eyes, which almost always work. She threw her sword to the side, rolled there eyes, and hugged me with all her might "Your a pain in my ass baby sister."

"Yep," she said, smiling, "but I will talk to dad and love you."

I was about to say something more, but the guards yanked her away from me, and I was about to go after her but dad grabbed me. He pulled me to him and held me like he was never going to let go. I felt his hurt and god I hope he doesn't do anything stupid.

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