Chapter 2

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I was on my way back from a nightrider when I hear it. The call of lycans heading right for me and as they did, I had my horse go faster. I hear one from the right as I drew my sword and then another from behind. One attacked me from the left as I stabbed in the side, and more were coming. I saw the castle ahead and went as fast as I could as I hear the siren go off.

The guard mounted the wall and took out the lycans to my right as well as my left. I saw Lucian, the boy lycan grab one of the bows and shot the one right behind as I entered the gate.

Once there, they closed the door, and I saw my father and baby sister walk to me as well as Lucian.

My father said, "You must be more careful, my daughter," and I said, "I know father."

I looked at Lucian and threw him my sword and said: "Take my sword to go clean and sharpen it."

"Yes, my lady," Lucian said.

"You should show more respect to the person who saved you," father said.

"Right sorry father but I must get leave to go to my room I have business," I said.

I got off my horse and gave it to Lucian and started to the castle as my father looked at Lucian and said something but I'm not too for sure what.

As I walked past, Jade said, "Hi sis, are you ok."

I just looked at her and said, "Fine and don't ask again. I'm too busy to deal with you."

Jade looked at me with a sad look on her face as I walked away, and she said: "Sorry, I'm such a nuisance."

I started to my room, but I was stopped by dad who said: "You must stop with this."

"The council is getting restless with you and never being at the meetings if you keep this up your sister will get your spot on the council," he said.

I looked at him and said, "Let her have a seat; I don't care, father."

He looked at me and said, "Your sister is not ready, nor will she ever be, and I want you to have a seat, not her."

I looked at him and said, "I'm tired and want to sleep father I will see you tomorrow."

He said, "Fine, and you better be there tomorrow at the meeting Sonja that's an order."

"As you wish father goodnight," I said.

I went to my room and got changed into something more comfortable to take off and a cape to cover me. I started up to the top tower to meet the man that I love and will be my first lycan lover. I got to the top of the tower and saw Lucian with no shirt on. I walked in front of him as he crushed himself against me.

His finger stripped me of my strap over my shoulder and then tore it apart. He looked at me with passion as he noticed I was wearing nothing underneath. Our lovemaking was wild as I raked his nails in his naked back, and as I wrapped around his hip as he held me with his hands on my ass. My breast rubbing against his chest and my fangs nibbling his neck but not breaking his skin.

We were both moaning and growling with each thrust he gave me. Lucian arched his back in both agony and ecstasy as he slammed me against the wall as he slammed in me hard. I moaned loudly as my eyes glowed sapphire, and I kissed him with such passion it took his breath away. I push us off the wall and onto the floor of the tower with our clothes cushioning us. Once down there, we touched and kissed each other all over.

Once we were done, I laid there in his arm resting as he said: "Would you leave this place with me."

I looked at him and said, "You must not talk like that if you run, you would be marked with death, and I couldn't bear to see that."

He looked at me and showed me a key he made to take his color off and looked at him and said: "You must never use this, I couldn't bear to see you dead please promise me you won't use it please."

"You could go with me and live free, please think about it my lady" I looked at him and said, "Only if we must leave will I go with you but if you use this, you could die so promise me you won't use it unless you must Lucian please."

He looked at me and said, "I will not use it until I have to for you and only you."

I kissed him one last time and said: "I must leave the sun will be up soon, but I will see you tomorrow, I swear." He looked at me and said, "Until then, my lady."

I kissed him one more time and then headed to my room to rest. If my father knew he would kill me, so I must be careful and tread carefully.

I will be at the meeting tomorrow. I need to stay off my fathers' wrong side. Once in my room, I took my cloak off and went to bed.

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