Chapter 19

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I looked towards the moon. I feel the beast awakening in me want to run free. I just closed my eyes to let the change happen.

But before it could take over I hear a pain howl ring threw out the forest and we all jumped to our feet.


All the people camp turned to me for direction but I didn't know what our next move was. Most of the other thought him dead but now we know different but what can we do to help.

I clenched my fist and then heard an ominous rumble came from the forest. Broken branches and twig cracked all around us. The birds and bags all fled the forest.

We all were alarmed. Xristo raised his sword and threw a sword over to Sadas. I grabbed my ax and turn to the inner forest to see werewolf hurtling from it in an unbreaking wave.

They are wild beast and could kill us all in one blow so I ready for a fight but they passed us and head striate for the castle and Lucian. I raise my ax and answer Lucian howl as we ran to save him from the vampires' hands.


The death dealer were shaken by my howl but came to end me anyway. Now I can be with Sonja once more but before they could a roar came from the forest.

Despite the chains and harpoons, I managed to get myself up to look over the wall. There was an army of men with weapons and werewolf on either side of them.

I saw Razor with them and said: "Thank you brother" as sagged ageist the cold castle walls. The chain went slake as the death dealer had other problem to deal with.

The werewolves were ripping the guards to shreds taking them by surprise. The vampire were dying one by one to lycans but Viktor will be mine to kill. No vampire will survive this night not if we have any say in it.


I was one the balcony watching these dogs tare apart my men. Never have I ever seen them so calculate or have any ever breached these walls before.

Goddam that dog. I hear Tanis are scrip trying to run away but I need him right now. I went to the chamber were are scrolls are kept to find him trying to save them. Paper is nothing if we don't have our elders.

"Tanis go help my daughter and Kraven get the elders out of here now!"

"But my lord this is our history."

"The future of this coven and our race depends on are elders now go!"

"Yes my lord."

Once he left I looked at one of the guards and said: "Go with them and once they are safe come back to the fight."

"Yes my lord."

Now its time that I end this once and for all. That dog will die tonight once and for all.


I and Kraven started to the chamber were the elders' rest. Once there we opened to floor to pull their coffins from the floor which was a task all in itself.

We heard footsteps coming our way. Kraven drew his sword ready to fight but I knew the elders need to get out of there and I need to get dads coffin out so he will have a resting place after all he is an elder himself but I must keep to the task at hand.

Another guard and Tanis showed up to help but Kraven was to busy talking about what was happening outside to pay attention to what is going on here. God dammit we need there help "Kraven get your ass over here and help know."

He looked at me and smiled. I growled at him and rolled my eyes at him as he started over to me. We had both elders out of the chamber and my fathers coffin on there way to the boat.

We heard feet above us and the guard said: "I fear we will not win this battle my lady and we must get out of here know."

"Yes but you need up there Kraven is more than capable to defend us so go now that's an order."

He smiles at me and shook his head yes. Once he was off we started to the boat and once on there we waited, after all, that's all we could do.


Jades just standing there looking off into space. She needs rest for day will be upon us soon. I have stayed up during the day before but she hasn't. If she doesn't get rest Victor will no doubt kill me for it?

I walked up behind her and put my arms around her. She relaxed in my arms which mean she is exhausted. "You need rest and blood Jade."

"I'm fine," she said. I pulled her closer and said, "No you're not now come on I can give some blood."

"No, you need your strength."

"But I don't princess," said Tanis.

We both looked at him as he said: "Kraven is right you need blood which I can give and you can put your head on Kraven's lap and us my cap as a cover."

"If I do will you two stop fretting over me."

"Yes," we both said at the same time.

She rolled her eye but started towards Tanis anyway. She about fell but I grabbed her and picked her up bridal style first. I sat her on the crate as Tanis walked over and gave Jade his wrist.

I must admit I am jealousy but Jades right I need my strength but so does she. Once she was done I sat down next to her and pulled her head on my lap. Tanis took his cap off and covered her with it. "Wake me up when dad comes.

"Viktor is an elder Jade he will be fine alright now go to bed."

She shook her head and was fast asleep within minutes of putting her head down and me playing with her hair.

"What happens if Viktor doesn't make it Kraven."

"He is an elder Tanis and he will be fine."

He shook his head sat down, after all, there is nothing else for us to do but wait for Viktor.

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