Chapter 21

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Despite all the chaos I keep Viktor in my sights as I walked to him. His men tried to get in front of me to stop him but to no avail. I was so close to him but his captain Sandor leaped into my path trying to protect his lord.

I almost admire him for it but he was throwing his immortal life away. I'm more than happy to help him to his death but instead of fighting with a sword he shot an arrow at me. The bolt left from the bow, whistling through the mist but I have had enough of the poisonous arrows for the night.

Just as the arrow was about to hit me I snatched it mid-air but this didn't discourage him. He sent to more arrow my way but I deflected it with my sword. Sandor looked horrified by how fast my reflexes were.

He pulled another arrow out from his back, then tried to put it into the bow but I was to fast and cut him before he could load it fully. I send the arrow flying back into Sandor's face, blood flowed through his eyes and with that, the crossbow fell on the stone floor. He let out a gut reaching scream and I didn't even wait for his body to fall to the floor before shoving him aside.

I looked around the castle were Viktor once stood but he was no were to be found. God dammit was, is he? I looked around but he, no were to be seen.


I must find Drake, Ethan, and Lily. They must make it out of here being the strongest on the council. I walked to threw the hall to make my way to there room when I ran straight into Drake who said: "What the fuck is going on."

"The lycans have broken through the castle," I said, "Were are Lily and Ethan."

"Right here," they said as they came up behind us.

"You all must go under the castle there is a secret passage down there that leads to a boat Jade, Kraven, Tanis, and the Elder are down there already," I said.

"Yes my Lord but shouldn't you be coming," Lily said.

"I need to find someone first," I said. Ethan and Lily both took off but Drake stayed to said: "Revenge will not bring Sonja back Viktor, Jade needs you, as well as the vampires you are an elder, act like one."

I looked at him and said, "This is my fight Drake and I will get revenge or do you underestimate my power."

"No but you have another daughter to look over and she has no idea how to be on the council let alone an elder which is a position that will be thrust upon her if you die," Drake said as he took off after Ethan and Lily.

"Goddammit why does he always have to be right" I yelled as I punched a hole in the wall. I must go to my little girl she is the only daughter I have left and I must protect her. I will not leave a dog get her or let her follow in her sisters' footsteps.

I started down, deep into the castle when I ran into the one dog I have been wanting to kill for a long time. I will finally have revenge for my daughter death and destruction of her body. I will end Lucian once and for all tonight.


I shot up from my sleep scaring the hell out of Kraven and Tanis who said "What is it, Jade"

"Did you hear that?" I said.

"Hear what Jade," Kraven said as he got off the crate.

I got off the crate as well and said: "It sounded like footsteps."

"I didn't hear anything Jade." I looked at him and said, "I know I hear something Kraven."

"That's because you did," Drake said. We all jumped when he talked and I said: "Don't do that Drake." I was about to walk over to him but a wave of dizziness took me from not having enough blood. Luckily Kraven was behind me and grabbed me from behind to stop me from falling.

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