Chapter 9

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I felt something bit me on my neck, so I moaned and woke up fully. I moved in his arms and said: "What are you doing Kraven." Kraven pulled his fangs out my neck and said: "I was hungry."

"So go get something to drink," I said as I tried to get out of his arms. He pulled me closer to him and whispered in my ear, "But I want your blood." I groaned.

He finally let go of me; I got up and went to the bathroom to get dressed in peace. Kraven followed after me into the bathroom, and hugged me from behind and said: "Where do you plan on going my love."

"Outside, why," I said.

"Because I'm still your guard my love so how about you let me get dressed first then we will leave love."

"Fine whatever and don't call me love," I said. I left the bathroom so Kraven could get dressed. I went outside to get some air and to look at the beautiful forest. Kraven grabbed me by the arm, dragged me into my room, and threw me on the bed.

"What do you think you are doing," she said. "Going out for a walk."

"You need a guard, and you know that," he said as he pushes me on my back on the bed when I tried to get up.

He started to take his armor off and then climbed on top of me and said: "You could have got your self killed you now that Jade."

I tried to push him off of me, but I was no match for his strength when he was serious, and he pushed me down on the bed once more. He put my hands above my head and said: "What shall we do about that now."

"What is that supposed to mean Kraven let go of me," I said.

Kraven said, "You need to be taught a lesson for leaving my side will your life is threatened."

I gulped down and said, "What will it be exactly then because dad will kill you if you hurt me, you know."

"Punishments don't have to be painful, you know," he said as he let my hands go and moved me to the headboard. I started to get up, but he put his hand on my chest and said: "Stay love."

"Like hell get off Kraven now."

He leaned down and said, "Make me."

I started to say something when there was a knock at the door. So I pushed him off of me and ran to the door. I saw it was Drake, who said, "Need help."

I smiled at him and said, "You came just in time."

He smiled at me then looked to Kraven with hate and said: "What are you doing here, Kraven."

He walked to the door and said, "Protecting Jade."

"Didn't sound like it to me Kraven so let me say this now touch her again, and I will kill you my self."

Kraven growled but kept his mouth shut because of how strong Drake is. Drake turned to me and said, "You looked tired, so go to sleep."

I was going to say something, but I know it will be no good. So I just shook my head yes and walked over to the bed and went to sleep but not before hearing Drake say, "Watch your self Kraven."

What he meant I have no idea but that's for another time, for now, I need sleep.


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