Chapter 18

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I went to my room and Jade to hers or at least I thought so until she barged into my room. "You have to stop this dad she is your daughter."

"No she betrayed us and must be punished," I said.

"But she's your daughter," Jade said as if I didn't know that already. I walked up to her as she back away from me till she hit the wall.

I put my hands above her head and said: "You do not tell me what to do little girl is that understood." She turns her head away from me and said "Yes."

I grabbed her arm dragged her to the bed and said: "You're staying right here so you don't do anything stupid."

"You can't keep me here dad."

"I can and I will ."

She started to get up but I slapped her and she fell onto the bed. She looked scared of me so I put my hands on her face stroking her cheek and said: "This must be done."

I said, "Go to sleep now." She rolled her eye but did as I told her by getting under the covers with her back to me.

I sighed but this has to be done because she was right in saying I could stop her death but what would that message send to other vampires that what she did was right. No, she must be punished so no other follows in her footsteps especially her sister I don't think I could lose her as well. That dog will die with her for what he did to Sonja.

I walk over to Jade to see her fast asleep. I pulled the cover over her to tuck her in. The sun is rising and I can hear Sonja scream in pain as the sun hits her.

Jade started to move around and wake up but I held her to me till she went back to sleep and then went to sleep myself. Tomorrow will be a long day.


I keep pulling these dam chains but they won't bug an inch. "Lucian I want you to know I love you with all my heart but you struggling is not going to work," Sonja said.

"No I won't let you die I will save you." Sonja smiled at me and said, "The sun will be up soon my love and with it my death but I love you." She has tears going down her face and I can't help her or stop this.

I hear the top starting to open I said: "I love you with all my heart and I will avenge you, my love."

She smiled at me and said, "I love you to Lucian." The sun began to fall on her as I hear her screams of pain and seconds later her body hanging lifeless and in ashes.

I will end Viktor if it's the last thing I do and I let out a roar of anger of and then it turned into sobs.


Once night fell dad woke me up and said: "Come we have so business to finish."

"Must I come I don't wish to see Sonja like that?" I said but he seems unwavering in his decision. So I got up and changed into a blood red corset with a pair of tight pant and boots.


We walked into the room were we saw Sonja hang dead and Lucian trying to get free of his chains. I started to turn around but stopped by dad grabbing my arm. "I said stay Jade."


"No I said fucking stay" he yelled. I flinched back and yanked my arm out of his grip and held my self. He looks like he was about to hit me but Lucian growled and distracted him. So he turned his attention back to Sonja and Lucian. Which left me to standing there by my self until Drake came up behind me and held me close. I turned around and snuggled closer into his chest making him wrap his arm around me tighter and breath my sent in.


I saw Jade flinch when I yelled at her but she should now not to test me right now. She pissed me off, even more, when she yanked her arm from me.

I was about to hit her when that dog growled at me. I walked over to Sonja and just took a long look at the body of my once loving daughter. I looked at the dog as he said: "Bring me my sword." With my sword in hand, I stalked towards Lucian ready to kill him.

I made the mistake by forgetting its the full moon tonight. He transformed into his beast form. He broke the chain that held him and growled at me. I did the same but instead of challenging me he pushes past me going striate for Jade.

The council had her out of there as soon as he broke free which I'm thankful for. Once he couldn't get to her he climbed the wall to go outside. I got up and went to get Jade and the elders when the alarms went off.

Once I found Jade I hugged her and said: "Go get the elders to safety and stay with them I will be there soon."


"No, but you will do as your told."

"Kraven get my daughter and the elders out of here."

"Yes my lord."

I hugged Jade and watched them run to get the elders safe. Once they were out of sight I went to the armory. I going to kill this dog once and for all.


I saw Viktor raising his hand to strike Jade so I growled to get his attention and it worked. I may not like Jade but Sonja loved her and I will protect her if need be for now. He then walked over to Sonja, then me with the look of disgust and I was ready to rip his throat out. He started to me and had the guard bring him a sword.

The moon is full and it time I kill him once and for all. I break free of the chain but then remember Jade had Sonja necklace. That is the last thing I have to remember her by and I want it. I pushed past Viktor but Jade was out of the room by the time I got to her. I climbed up the wall and left that castle. I hit the ground to be greeted by guards.

The inner bailey of the castle is what is keeping me here. The guard were shooting silver bolts at me and hitting the Castle around me.

I hear the horn going off and saw the humans and ladies fleeing from our fight. I zigzagged threw out the courtyard, dodging the deadly arrows. I climbed the wall but was stopped by a death dealer bursting through the base of the gatehouse.

He drew his sword and lunged for me but I grabbed his helmets and yanked him off his feet throw his head into the concrete. Guard poured out off the courtyard behind me.

Soren a death dealer and Radu pointed an oversized silver-tipped spear at me. Men were on all sides of me but I killed them one by one as Viktor watch wait for one of them to kill me. One the arrows hit me hard and I was brought down but I will not give in not yet so I let out an agonizing howl as 2 silver spears hit me in the back but I saw my men running to add. Today lycans will finally claim their freedom.

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