Chapter 6

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Once night fell, I woke up to go to the council meeting being held. Once in front of the council, we wait for Sonja and Jade to show up, but Jade never show up which pisses me off. God, I hope she doesn't plan on being I like her sister, but once we were coming to the end of the meeting, I hear her yell my name.

I rolled my eye, looked at Kraven, and said: "Go see what's wrong with her."

He shook his head and started to her room, and about two minutes later, I hear him yell for me too.

I looked at the council and said: "Well, convene back at 2."

Sonja and I started to her room, and once in there, I said: "What is it know....." But stopped when I saw that dog Smith in her room. She was hiding behind Kraven, who was protecting her, which means he tried to attack her. How dare he think he has the right to hurt my daughter?

"Take him to the jail he will be put before the council to get his punishment."

Sonja looked surprised and said "That's to much father," and I looked at her with rage and said, "He tried to hurt or kill your baby sister he is lucky he is not going to die."

Which is true because right now I could kill him. I walked up to her and Kraven and grabbed her to me as I waved Kraven to cuff him. Once in my room, I looked her up and down and said: "Are you ok did he touch or hurt you."

"He didn't touch me Kraven got there first," she said as she looked at the floor.

"Good, what did he want from you," and she said, "Nothing."

"You're lying to me," I said with rage because she has been doing this too much.

"You won't believe, so it doesn't matter, and I'm thirsty I need to get something to drink," she said.

"If it's about what you said last night then your right and fine you may leave, but you will stay in here tonight," I said.

"Why with his punishment you and the council will give him I'm sure he will leave me, alone dad," she said.

"No, I will not risk your life so until your room is changed to be closer to me, so you will stay with me," I said.

I will not lose my little girl to some lycan.

"As you wish dad but may I leave now," she said.

I walked over to her, hugged her and kissed me on the head, "Yes go but be careful, and a guard will be with you until I saw so."

"Dad why," she said.

"To protect you, that's why," I said.

"Who will be the guard then," she said.

"Kraven will be and if you wish you could stay in his room," I said with a smile on his face as she rolled my eyes.

God I wish she would be with Drake or Kraven it means I won't have to guard her so much and she will be happy. If I'm honest, I would much prefer Drake since he is on the council and is the oldest vampire here other then me, meaning stronger. So he could protect her and I know he loves her but he choices to ignore and it will come to bit him in the ass soon.

"All right, I will think about it and when will I meet him," she said.

"You won't have to," Kraven said with a smile on his face.

"Alright dad," she said as she walked out of her room with Kraven behind her.

Know back to the council, and once there I put Lucian first on the chopping block. Lucian was brought before us as I decided his fate, and I said: "You will suffer 50 lashed, all that agree, say I."

My daughter Sonja said "Father that is too much" and I looked at her and said, "He tied to kill your sister, and I will give whatever I see fit, and it is 50 lashes due tomorrow at midnight, and until then he is to be in the jails."

God, I don't understand what she likes about this lycan. Maybe Jade was right, but god, I hope not. It took about another hour for the meeting to be over, and once it was, I saw Jade staying behind Kraven in the corner. I walked up to them with Sonja beside me and said: "How are you feeling Jade and were you good for Kraven."

"I'm fine, and yes, I was good," she said, and Kraven said, "She was excellent today." She gave him a dirty look as I said: "Do you know who you're staying with tonight Kraven or me."

Sonja looked at us and said, "She is old enough to take of herself, dad." I said, "Was I asking you, Sonja," and she just shook her head.

"I agree with Sonja can I stay in my room," she said, and I just looked at her as she hid behind Kraven and said, "Or I could just stay with Kraven."

I smiled at her and said, "That will be fine now go to your room and get some cloth to take to Kraven room."

"Alright I will go there now, I will see you in a minute Kraven," she said, and I was going to say something but Kraven said, "Alright I need to speak to you my lord anyway."

I looked at him and said "As you wish" as we headed for my room and the girls there.

Once there, I said, "What did my daughter do now, Kraven."

"It's more like what she didn't do."

"Let me guess you almost had her, but she backed off, and you think I can do something about it," I said.

"Kind of," Kraven said.

"I can't make her give into you and Drake is still on the playing board, but I can stall her getting a new room," I said.

"I well aware of that, and thank you, my lord, I will leave you to rest my Lord."

Thank god this day over and done with. I went got dressed for bed, and once in bed, I was out like a light.

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