Chapter 11

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I took a nice long bath after dad left and once done I walked out in a tight red, corset shirt, par of pant, boot and once out there I saw Kraven fast asleep on the bed.

I laughed and walked up to him. I slowly climbed over him and unbuttoned his shirts to see the vein in his neck, pumping fresh blood.

God my throat is killing me, and my fangs are throbbing. I groaned and lowered my head to his neck. I licked the pulse and sunk my fang deep into his neck, letting his rich sweet blood enter my mouth.

I put my hand in his hair and straddled his lap, sucking his blood slowly savoring the taste.

I hear Kraven moan under me and put his arm wrapped around me, pulling me closer to him to where I could feel him pressing against my stomach. His other hand was in my hair, massaging it, but he never stopped me from feeding.

I pulled my fangs out of his neck. He let go of my hair, and I sat upon his lap with my hand on his chest. He looked at me with lust-filled eyes and said: "You could have just ask love I would have fed you."

"Well you were asleep so," I said.

"So waking me up with your sexy fang in me is better," he purred out.

"Well I mean didn't you enjoy waking up like that or no," I said.

"I did," he said as he rolled me under him.

"But that was very naughty of you, Jade, and I think you need punishment," he said.

"O really what kind of punishment," I said.

He groaned when I said that and started to undo the back of my corset.

"Kraven no we just went through this," I said.

"You should have thought of that before you started to tease me," he said.

"So, it's not happening, so stop now," I said.

"Make me, Jade."

I started to get off of him, but he turned us around, so he was on top of me. He looked me dead in the eye and said: "You didn't make me Jade."

I growled at him and moved my legs so they were his stomach was and kicked him as hard as I could. It works too, which I can't believe. He groaned as he hit the floor, making me giggle at him. He got up and said, "Don't test me, Jade, I do what I planned and still get you in time for the meeting; it just won't be as much fun."

I turned my back to Kraven and said: "Like hell, you will and will you help me."

"Why should I," he said.

I moved my hair, turned to him, and said: "Because you are the one who undid it."

"Point," he said as he put a clean shirt on. "Point is am ordering you to tie it up."

He growled at me and said, "I like when you're bossy."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Just come do it."

He walked over to me, rubbed his hand up and down my back making me shiver under his touch. He slowly did the back of my corset and finished getting ready himself. Once we were done, I started down the corner and ran into to Tanis, the scribe who said  "Hello my lady," he said.

"Hello, Tanis, how are you."

"I have been better," he said.

"Well, I hope things get better for you and how his dad."

"Pissed off as normal but fine other than that."

I laugh at him, and Kraven said: "That's enough, Jade, we are going to be late."

I shook my head yes and went to meet dad for the meeting and what fun this one is going to be.

Author note

Sorry, this chapter is so short.

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