Chapter 17

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After Drake said that to me I just went to my room because what he said was true. If dad would kill Sonja he would me to but I would never hurt him on purpose. Dad never gave a punishment to Lucian so I wonder what it is. I left my room to go to the cell and speak with Sonja. "Leave I want to speak with my sister"

I told the guard watching her and to my surprise he did. I took the key he gave me and went into the cell. "How are sis," I said but she looked sick and she chained to the wall.

"Fine but why are you here," she said. "Say goodbye and what going to happen to Lucian."

"I love you and I don't know."

"They won't get away with this Jade," Lucian said.

"Your wrong what dad wants he gets and I love you too."

"No, I won't allow it" Lucian growled.

"What can you do you chain to a wall," I said and he just put his head down. "You should go before dad finds out you were down here because he will not be happy about it." I hugged her said I love you and started to leave but dad came in first.


Sitting my room thinking about what's about to happen is killing me but it must be done. There was a knock at the door as a guard came in and said: "My lord my I have a word."

"Yes, what is it," I said. "Miss Jade is in Sonja cell as we speak and I thought you should know."

What is she thinking going down there god that girl pisses me off sometimes. "Thank you I will handle her." He bowed and walked away. I went to the cell and just as I stepped into the doorway she was leaving.

She gulped and I said, "What do you think you're doing."

"Nothing I just wanted to speak with Sonja," she said.

"That sounds like something to me," I said.

"Leave her alone dad," Sonja said.

"Shut up this is none of your concern."

Sonja and Jade both flinched back while the dog started to growl. I will kill him my self for what he has done to this family.

I walked up to Jade grabbed her and said: "Let's go." She started to walk when Sonja said: "You can't control her all her life dad."

I walk over slapped Sonja which rewarded me another growl from Lucian. "Dad stop," Jade said coming over and stopping from doing it again. I put my hand downturn to Jade who had backed away from me and said: "I am sorry daddy." I rolled my eyes at her and slapped her as hard as I could. She hit her head on the floor and passed out cold.

I walked over to her, moved the hair from her face, picked her up bridal style and carried her out of the cell to my bedroom. I laid her on the bed under the covers and kissed her on the head. I hear a knock on the door and then it opened.

It was Drake wonder what he wants. "Will Jade be there to see Sonja death."

"Yes, I will wake her when everything is ready." Drake looked at her, smile and said: "What's going to happen now."

"I will keep her with me or give her to you if you want that is."

"You know I do but even if you do you'll still keep her close to you with what has happened with Sonja," he said.

"Always," I said as he shook his head and left. I walked up to the door close it and then laid next to Jade until everything was ready and waiting.

It has been about an hour when the guard came and tell me everything is ready so I got up and shook Jade. "Mmmm," she said. "Wake up Jade now," I said. She sat up and said, "My head hurt and where am I."

"My room and your head should hurt now get up its time for your sister die," I said.


"No buts you're going and that's finally even if I have to drag you there," I said. She didn't say anything as she got up and went to the sun chamber. This is going to be a long day.

Third person

They brought Sonja into the sunroom and chained her to the post. With Lucian following suit and he was chained to the floor. Once they were ready Viktor, Jade, and the council came in to see Sonja one last time.

Jade couldn't look anyone in the eye fear she would cry her eyes out. "Ten lashed," Viktor said to the guards. When they started Sonja flinch with each strike. Jade started to turn but Viktor grabbed her and said: "Stay."

Drake walked up and said, "I will watch her."

Viktor shook his head and pushed her to him. Drake wrapped his arms around as she did the same and said: "Remember what I said little one." She shivered when he said that and at the fact he was right. Drake moved her hair and just held her close.

Sonja looked at her sister and said weakly "Leave her alone dad she doesn't need to see this."

"But she does seeing how your father never punished you and how you blankly disobeyed are laws and now he is trying to make sure she doesn't follow in her big sister's footsteps," David said.

"You know as well as I do she would never hurt him or are race on purpose so let her go."

"No she will stay and that's final and you have no right tell me what to do Sonja" Viktor spat at her with venom in his voice. Jade cuddled closer to Drake who said: "That's enough let us go on with the punishment shall we."

Viktor grabbed Jade from Drake and they all left but Sonja and Lucian. The sun will be up soon and Sonja death will be upon us.

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