Chapter 22

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Third person

As Viktor started down the stairs to Jade Lucian came up behind Viktor and jumped down from the upper landing.

Viktor turned around to met his glare with as much furry as Lucian. He drew his sword from its scabbard and threw himself up the stairs after him. Their sword clashed loudly sending the bats flying from there resting place and mice running into there holes. Viktors attacks sent Lucian backward up the stairs as sparks flew through the air there sword collided with as much force as they could muster.

The sword had there own heated conversation, with blurred motion mixed in. This was more than a battle to the death no it was a battle to punish each other man for there broken hearts. Viktor pinned Lucian to the wall and said: "You destroyed my daughter."

Lucian would never take the blame for the love of his life death even though he was partly to blame. He prides an angled cross Viktors broad sword, hitting him with furious counterattacks that slammed against Viktor's sword like a hammer striking an anvil sending Viktor back. "She was your daughter!"

"I did what needed to be done!" Viktor declared without remorse or doubt that he made the wrong decisions. Lucian crossed their sword as bitterness sprayed from Viktor lips. "How did you think this would end dog."

Not like this! Lucian thought. Viktors sword reopened one of Lucian wound from earlier in the shoulder. Hot blood streamed down his arm, making the grip on his sword wet and sticky. "I loved her!"

"You killed her" Viktor yelled.

This accusation just pissed Lucian off even more. The memory of Sonja dying before him forged into his memory, stroked his anger into an all-consuming rage that only killing Viktor would cool off. Abandoning all caution and restraint, he hacked at Viktor like a ravaged animal, driving him back down the stairs. Down to were Jade and the Elders rest on the boat.

Viktors foot slipped giving Lucian the chance to cut his cheek, drawing blood. Viktor drew his hand to his face as he fought off Lucian attack. This is perhaps the first time in over a century he has seen his own blood drawn in battle. His face curled on disgust as he said: "I should have crushed your skull under my heel when you were born."

"Yes, you should have."

A powerful swipe from Lucian knocked the sword from the elders' fingers. He lunged at Lucian, his fangs mouth opened wide. Lucian stabbed his sword thought Viktors mouth. Viktor tried to fight him but choked on the blade and then tried to say something but was unable to in the end. Viktor looked at him with pain and shock, disbelief as a crisis haze flooded his eyes.

This is for you Sonja he thought. He yanked the sword out of his mouth. Viktor tumbled backward as he fell down the steps, land in the pitch black water, leaving behind cloudy scarlet swirls that were carried away by the current. Within minutes, he was gone leaving no trace of the Elder. Lucian threw his sword in the river and his sorrows with it as he wonders if he would ever be hole again. He will make it up to Sonja by killing every vampire.

Once Viktor was gone Lucian went back up the stairs to see how the fight had unfolded and to his joy, they had won. He walked onto the balcony feeling the warmth of the sun his bare skin.

Raze come up behind Lucian and say "We have won the fight is finally over brother."

"No this war has just begun but it is one we will win," Lucian said as he turned to Raze.

"Go tend to are wounded brother."

"Yes brother," he said as Raze took off to tell the others. Lucian jumped off the balcony onto the castle floor were he saw many wounded or dead brothers just laying there in the dirt and mud.

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