Chapter 12

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God Jades turning into her sister. It 5 minutes till we meet and she is still not here. The doors open, Jade and Kraven come. Jade stands next to and Kraven next to her.

They are a great couple, but Drake is a better match for her and is jealous by the looks of it. Then Sonja comes in and stands on my other side. Know that my beautiful daughters are here we can start the meeting.

Lily on the council said, "The lycan that attacked your daughter, disobeyed an order once more when taking his color off."

"He was protecting me, father, if it wasn't for him I would be dead," Sonja said.

Jade turned her head, and I know what she is thinking about her sister and that lycan are lovers. All though it makes sense it can't be that my own daughter would betray me and her kind.

David said, "Whether he saved you or not, he needs to be taken care of it if we allow this disobedience then more will follow."

"Jade, what's is your opinion in this," I said.

"Well David's right he has disobeyed more times then we would normally allow so the punishment should be harsher then the last" Jade said, "That will teach him the more he disobeyed, the worse his punishment will be until we have to end it."

"End it sister how dare you say that," Sonja said.

"Enough Sonja I agree with your sister we have gone easy on this lycan long enough," I said.

"Father he is the first of his kind, therefore, need more respect then the others," Sonja said.

"True sister but what he has done is unforgivable and if it were any other lycan this would not be a discussion and the only reason it is because of your like of him and no other reason but that" Jade said "You shouldn't have been out there, to begin with, and if you weren't we won't be here now."

Sonja was about to slap her, but Kraven pulled her back, so she avoided the blow. I said, "Enough, what shall his punishment be then."

David said, "100 lashes and one to Sonja."

"What," Sonja said. I was thrown back as well knowing they hate each but didn't I didn't think that much. But what appalled me was what Jade said: "I agree Lucian, has taken a liking to Sonja but a lashing might be too much so how about making her watch."

Lily and Drake said, "I agree with Jade."

"No way will I watch that animal, he is below me," Sonja said.

"Well then watching him being lashed shouldn't be a problem," I said.

She about to say something but I threw my hand up to stop her and said: "Then it is done it shall take place when he is ready to so, outside daughters you will both watch."

Jade looked at Kraven and just snaked his arms around her from behind. I smiled, knowing they were getting along better now, but once I turn to see Drake looking at them like he was ready to kill Kraven, but it is his own doing.

The guard got Lucian ready and then came in to get us, so we headed for outside. Once there, I chain Sonja to make her watch this take place, and Jade just laid her head on Kraven chest while he held her. Lucian came outcome, but when he saw Sonja chain, he started to fight the guards.

"If he doesn't stop Sonja, I will kill him myself," I said. She looked scared, and he stopped fighting, which pissed me off. The lashing began, and Sonja flinched with every blow even though he was below her. She acts like he is of the same level as us, but he isn't, and he never will.

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