Chapter 4

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The council has a meeting this morning, and I meant my daughter Jade to head to it. I swear Sonja better be there, but once there I saw she wasn't there. God, why can't this girl do what I say? The meeting started with David saying, "Were is Sonja Viktor."

"Not here," I said.

"Jade is here more than Sonja you should just make her the next in line for elder or the council," Drake said. That took me back, but I know he would much prefer Jade to Sonja in more ways than one. Jade wants Drake to even if she will not admit it. I know it, but she will not act on it. So the question is how long will it take him to.

"Enough Sonja is not here, but we have things to do," Lily said.

"I agree with Viktor," Ethan said.

"Fine," I said. The meet was quick and was just about ordinary things.

So once the meeting was done, I turned to Jade who looked sad as usual and no doubt tuned out the entire assembly, but at least she obeys me and comes when I want her to. I will talk to her later about what's wrong with her. A minute later, the alarm is going off making me said: "What has that girl done this time."

Jade and I headed for the window to see what the commotion was and once out there I saw it was Sonja being chased down by lycans.

"Why can't she stay out of trouble for once," I said.

Jade whispered, "You let her get away with."

I looked at her with surprise and said: "Repeat that Jade" as I turned around.

She just looked at me and said: "Well, you are the one who lets her get away with it, dad."

How dare she speak to me like that, so I grabbed her by the throat and pushed her against the wall making her whimper and said: "How dare you speak to me that way I'm your father."

"I'm sorry, dad it won't happen again, I swear."

I let go of her and said: "It better not, now let's go see your sister."

I know I shouldn't be rough with her, but it keeps her inline after all that's why her sister thinks she can do as she pleases. Once down there, I saw Sonja on her horse and said: "You must be more careful, my daughter."

She looked at the smith and said: "Take my sword and go clean and sharpen it."

The smith said, "Yes, milady."

This girl needs to learn respect for others "You should show more respect to the person who saved you" I said

Sonja said, "Right sorry father, but I must leave to go to my room. I have business."

Once she got off her horse, I looked at the smith who was getting to close to my daughter and said: "Keep your eyes down smith."

He just shook his head and went back to work. Sonja passed Jade, so she said, "Hi, sis, are you ok."

She said, "Fine and didn't ask again I'm. too busy to deal with you."

"Sorry I'm such a nuisance," Jade said.

I saw the sad look on Jade face and thought why they couldn't get alone for once I will never understand them. I will talk to Sonja about how she speaks to her sister later but, right now, I need to speak with her about the council. I followed Sonja into the castle. Once I caught up with her, I said: "You must stop with this."

"The council is getting restless with you and never being at the meetings, and if you keep this up your sister will get your spot on the council," I said.

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