Chapter 5

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I woke up when night fell, and I got dressed to get some blood. I went to leave my room when the smith came into my room and said: "You saw us last night, didn't you."

I looked at him and said, "I don't know what you're talking about smith, and I have to go now, so if you would leaving, I would appreciate it."

He looked at me and said, "I know you did, and I make will shore no one knows about us."

"Leave my room now," I yelled.

"You can't make me," he said as he stalked towards me.

"Dad," I yelled.

"He is in a meeting he won't come to help you," he said, but before he got any closer to me, a Kraven ran into my room and held a blade to his neck as he yells for me to come to him.

As I went to him, he tried to embrace me, but I got behind him instead, and he yelled for my father. My father came into my room with Sonja and said "What is it know....." but stopped when he saw Lucian in my room and me behind Kraven. Sonja just looks at him with surprise.

"Take him to the jail he will be put before the council to get his punishment."

My sister looked surprised and said, "That's to much father."

He looked at her with rage and said: "He tried to hurt or kill your baby sister he is lucky he is not going to die."

He walked up to Kraven and me and took me in his arms as we walked away he waved Kraven to cuff him. Once in his room, he looked me up and down and said: "Are you ok did he touch or hurt you."

"He didn't touch me Kraven got there first," I said as I looked at the floor.

"Good, what did he want from you," and I said, "Nothing."

"You're lying to me."

"You won't believe, so it doesn't matter, and I'm thirsty I need to get something to drink," I said.

"If it's about what you said last night then your right and fine you may leave, but you will stay in here tonight," he said.

"Why with his punishment you and the council will give him I'm sure he will leave me alone dad," I said.

"No, I will not risk your life so until your room is changed to be closer to me, you will stay with me," he said.

"As you wish dad but may I leave know," I said.

He walked over to me, hugged me and kissed me on the head, "Yes go but be careful, and a guard will be with you until I say so."

"Dad why," I whined.

"To protect you, that's why," he said.

"Who will be the guard then" I huffed.

"Kraven will be and if you wish you could stay in his room," he said with a smile on his face as I rolled my eyes.

"All right, I will think about it and when will I meet him," I said.

"You won't have to," Kraven said with a smile on his face.

Why he wants me to get married to Kraven or Drake, I have no idea it's not like he is making Sonja get married anytime soon and I know he will make me soon if I don't pick one or the other, but Drake doesn't want me not as I want him. So I might just be stuck with Kraven at the end which isn't so bad, I guess.

"Alright dad," I said as I left for the kitchen. Kraven followed suit but stayed behind, so I think he could get a better look at me. I got to the kitchen, but by that time the blood was gross, and I ended up dumping it and went to my room with Kraven still following me as he came into the room and stripped of his armor.

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