Chapter 10

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Its been a day since Lucian attack my baby sister and I'm pissed at him because father would have never believed her. I miss him. I will see him today before he gets his punishment, but I must be quick and quiet about it. Father has been even more on edge since Jade was attacked.

Dad said he would get his punishment in 2 hours, so I head for the cells. Once down there, I get the key from the guard and said: "Leave I will be here."

He looked at me but did not question it. I went up to the cell, unlocked, opened it, and ran into Lucian arms.

I looked at him and said, "Why did you attack Jade love," and he said, "She was going to tell your father about us, and I couldn't have that happen."

"He would have never believed her; you know that right."

He kissed me passionately, but I said: "You must stop, my father could come down here any minute, but you must promise me not to touch my sister again Lucian I love her."

He said, "Alright, I will not touch her anymore."

"I must go, and I will not be there to watch you get lashed it will break me if I do."

"I now love now go before we are found and I love you." I kissed him one last time then when to go see my sister in her room.

I knocked on the door, but no answer until Kraven opened the door and said: "How may I help you, my lady."

"I was looking for my sister, but what are you doing here," I said.

"Watching your sister and she is asleep, but you can come to wake her if you like."

"Yes I would and if you don't mind leaving us to talk in private," I said. "Yes alright, I will get some blood for her," he said as he got dressed and left. I walked up to her, and she was fast asleep, but we need to talk.

I shook her until she groaned, opened her eye, and sat up. She looked tired for some reason, but with what Lucian did it might be keeping her up. I looked at her and said, "We need to talk."

"About what."

I was quick to long making her say, "Why are you here, sister, you never come to see me unless you need something, so what is it."

I asked her bluntly, "I want to know if you did, she Lucian and me."

"Yes I did, but it doesn't matter dad doesn't believe me but sister to sister this is the biggest mistake you have ever made."

"Wait if you knew that then did you tell him to kill me, Sonja," she said.

I was thrown back by that to think I would do that "I never did we may not get along, but you are my blood and father would die if you died sister and I came to say sorry for what he did."

"Well, your secret safe with me since dad doesn't believe me so is that all Sonja," she said.

"Yes but one more how are you and Kraven." She leaped off the bed, push me down on it, started to tickle me and said: "Find other than dad trying to make us get together, now shut up about it, or I will keep tickling you."

I was laughing so hard, but I said: "Alright, I will stop just stop assaulting me, sister." Now we're both laughing and finally acting like sisters when dad and Kraven barged in the room and said: "What is happening here." They stop just stared at us, and she said: "I think we have been caught sister."

"I think you are right, so what shall we do about that," I said. "I don't know what's our idea," she said.

"Let run for it," I said. We were both laughing as we both got up and took off. Dad got me and tickled me while Kraven got sis and tickled her. "Do you forfeit daughters."

"AAAA yes we forfeit dad," we both said. He let me go, but Kraven keep his arms around Jade, but she was smiling ear to ear. "So what is up with you today you normal don't get along," dad said. "I need to talk to her, that's all," I said.

She gave me a dirty look but said nothing as dad said, "Alright girls that's enough Sonja we have a meeting to go to, and you need get something to drink," dad said. Jade finally got of Kraven arm, hugged, kissed dad and said, "Alright daddy."

She turned around, but dad grabbed her and hugged her back and kissed her on the forehead, which surprised me a lot and then Kraven grabbed her to him. So we went off and left jade in Kraven hands. Man, I know who she wants but whether that will happen or not I don't know.

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