49: Reality

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Nina set up the final camera before turning to face Claire and Danielle who were also done setting up. "You think this will actually work?" Nina questioned looking around her apartment, nothing seemed suspicious.

"I hope." Claire sighed. "I can't bear to see Joseph suffering, and I miss Lexi. I hate seeing her hurt." She added glancing at the time. "We should leave. Persia will be coming soon."

Danielle and Claire quickly gathered their stuff and headed for the door. "I'll text once she leaves." Nina told them before closing her apartment door. The Bulgarian actress had just started making some coffee when her doorbell rang. She made sure not to rush to the door. Taking a deep breath, Nina opened the door to reveal Persia.

The two had become friends when Persia was on the Vampire Diaries. Nina was the only person other than Joseph that had gotten close to Persia. "Hey!" Nina exclaimed feigning excitement.

"Hey Neens." Persia smiled stepping into the apartment. "Your place looks great." She commented looking around the chic apartment.

"Thanks, Persia." Nina smiled. "Anything to drink?" She questioned.

"Just some water. I can't have anything alcoholic." Persia said motioning towards her stomach. Nina nodded and went to get her some water.

"So how far along are you?" Nina asked casually as she poured Persia some water.

"Three months." Persia said absentmindedly. Nina simply nodded.

"I'm glad you and Joseph are back together. Like I love Claire, but Lexi..." Nina trailed off lying.

"She stole him from me." Persia muttered angrily. "It's like she has some sort of spell on him. He wouldn't give me any attention until I came up with this baby." She said in her fit of anger against Lexi.

"Came up with?" Nina asked looking confused.

"Don't Tell this to anyone, Neens. But the baby isn't Joseph's." Persia sighed. "I just said it so I could get him to leave Lexi the bitch and come back to me. I assumed we would get back and he'd never know, but like I said it's like she has some spell over him."

"So whose baby is it?" Nina asked pretending to be concerned when in actuality she was screaming in joy.

"Some one night stand from three months ago." Persia revealed. "Enough about me, how have you been?" Persia asked.


Joseph was sitting in his apartment going over a script when his door opened. He looked up to see who it was when his eyes widened at who he saw. The blonde beauty that he was hopelessly in love with. "Lex." Joseph said standing up in surprise. "What- what are you doing here?" He asked surprised.

"I missed you." She said softly. "I tried to pretend like being away from you wasn't killing me, but I can't pretend for the rest of my life, Joe." Lexi sighed frowning.

"Oh baby." Joseph said walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her tightly. "I missed you so much." He whispered into her hair. It smelled like strawberries, like home.

"I can deal with Persia being in your life and you having a kid with her, but I can't deal with not having you." Lexi told him before placing her hand on his face and kissing him. Joseph's hands clutched onto her waist deepening the kiss. He pulled her further into the apartment and closed the door behind her without ending the kiss.

"I love you." Joseph said picking her up and taking her into the bedroom.

"I love you too." Lexi said smiling. "Zayn and Harry are going to be so mad at me." She said softly as Joseph laid her down on the bed.

"Why?" Joseph asked crawling on top of her and peppering kisses all over her face and neck.

"I told them I was visiting Claire, not you." Lexi said wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close to her.

"I'm glad you came, luv." Joseph said as he let her take his shirt off.

"I am too." Lexi muttered flipping them around so she was straddling him. Joseph bit his lip as Lexi took off her dress.

"God, you're beautiful." Joseph whispered grasping her hips tightly as he kissed her.

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