41: Reality and Private

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Zayn was on Twitter when he saw the trending hashtag, #JexiBrokeUp. To say he was shocked would be an understatement. From what he had seen of Lexi's relationship with the actor through Instagram made him believe that they would be together forever. Even Harry and Louis were telling him of how smitten his ex girlfriend was with her current, well now ex, boyfriend. Clicking on the hashtag in curiosity, Zayn thought of Gigi. They hadn't announced it yet, but Zigi was long over. She had began to control too much of his career and was pulling him away from his music.

The first thing that Zayn saw was a screenshot of someone's pregnancy reveal. Looking at it closer he saw that Lexi's now ex was tagged in it. Scrolling through, Zayn saw many pictures of Lexi and Joseph. There were also of some of Lexi with Harry that looked pretty recent. He could tell that she was trying to keep a smile on her face and that many people were fooled by it. But he knew Lexi better than most people. She was hiding her true emotions so people wouldn't pity her like they did when he had broken up with her.

Exiting out of Twitter, Zayn clicked on his messages. By memory he typed in her number and sent her a text.




What are you doing?

Watching FRIENDS with Harry. Why?

I wanna talk

You sure it's fine with Gigi? I really don't feel like being called the home wrecker

Gigi and I broke up. There is no home to wreck never was

What happened?

I'll tell you over lunch

Can't ditch Harry. He has abandonment issues sometimes

Bring him along it's been a long ass time since the three of us did something together

Harry wants to go to Nandos

I'm down. Meet you two at the usual one?

See you in twenty Malik

Can't wait Holt


Right as Zayn was about to enter Nandos, he heard Lexi call his name. "You dyed your hair pink." Zayn noted.

"And you dyed your's blond." Lexi retorted.

"I cut mine!" Harry exclaimed making them laugh. "Now let's eat, I'm starving."

"You had two slices of cake before we left my house." Lexi said in disbelief as she walked in with the two behind her. Zayn let out a laugh at that.

"So?" Harry asked. "We've been eating junk food for the past two days now, I need actual food." Harry said sitting down at the booth they were led to. "SO why'd you break up with Gigi? I know Lexi broke up with Joseph because his ex is pregnant with his child."

"For one she was using me for fame and Gigi would always make me put off my music." Zayn explained looking at Lexi. "Are you okay?" He asked her. "And don't give me that bullshit, 'I'm good.' I know you better than most and I can tell when you're lying. So are you okay?" He asked in all seriousness,

"Not right now, but I will be eventually." Lexi answered. "We had just moved in together and I could see my entire future with him, now it's just black." She told them.

"What are you going to do now?" Zayn asked as Harry went to order their food.

"Stay here, write some music, adopt a bunch of pets." Lexi listed off. "What about you, Mr. Malik?"

"I've been writing some music, just have to get in the studio and record." Zayn told her. "Remember how fans would always tell us to record a song together?" He asked.

"It's all they wanted." Lexi replied nodding. "I kind of regret not doing that."

"Let's do it, Holt. You and me write a song and record it." Zayn suggested.

"I'm down, but let's not tell anyone until we release it." Lexi agreed.

"We're writing a song." Zayn said grinning as Lexi grinned back.

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