Chapter One

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"I didn't mean to hurt her. She got in the way. I tried to stop but-" I couldn't finish. She was dead. The love of my life, gone. It all happened so fast. One minute, we're at the movies. The next, I'm at the police station. Possibly going to jail. I might as well tell the whole story.

Backpedaling a bit....

"Yea man. Ill show it to him later on. Alright that sounds perfect. See you later." I hung up. I just set up a performance for this Friday and I needed to make sure everything was perfect. I gotta get outta this town. I grew up in a little town called, Fitzgerald. Its not known for much. Honestly, it wasn't known for anything. I wasn't born here thankfully. I give credit to Toronto for that, and of of course my mom and dad.

In the mean time, I had school. Damn! I got dressed and everything and headed for the door. "Justin? You're leaving without your bag?" My mom had my bookbag in her hand. I'm a senior in high school. A bookbag isn't really necessary anymore. "Sorry mom, I forgot about that. " I grabbed it and gave her a kiss goodbye on the cheek. "Hurry home after school, I have to work and I don't trust leaving the door unlocked while I'm gone." She said. "Just leave the key under the mat, I got business to handle after school." I walked up to her. She nodded her head and went upstairs to her room. Looks like I'm off to school. Fuck.

When I pulled up to the school, I saw my buddy Jay. "What's up man?" I gave him a handshake and hug. "Nothing much. Just saw a few girls who said they'd love to be on stage with Mr.Bieber. " I liked the sound if that. "Aye man, lets make that a reality. I can't wait till Friday. After that party, I'm gonna be the king of the South. Best believe that." I sat on the hood of my car and checked the school yard. This I've girl caught my eye. She was fine as hell. I hopped off my car and tapped jars arm. "Who's that?" I pointed at the girl. Jay squinted his eyes and looked. "Oh damn, that's Jennifer. She's been here for a few months. Everybody's been trying to get with her. You haven't noticed her?" He was shocked. Ill admit, I haven't noticed her moving here. I've been caught with my music and basically shut out hollering at girls for a bit. That's gonna change today. Lets make a move.

Jay and I walked over to Jennifer and her friends. "Hey, Ive seen you in Ms.Silverman's class. I was wondering if you had last nights homework. " Okay, I lied about that. I didn't even take her class. I didn't even have a class with Jennifer. Just a little thing I used on some girls in the past. It never fails. "Um, I think it was a paper on chapter 27. I didn't know you were in her class." She looked serious. Oh snap. "Oh yea, I'm always falling asleep in the back. You know, you can't see me if my head's always down." I chuckled. Smooth Bieber. She had a look of disbelief. "I'm Justin by the way." I reached for a handshake. She hesitated, but finally shook it. "Jennifer. I think I've heard of you. You write music, right?" She sounded interested. "Oh yea. I write a little. I'm actually performing this Friday at Kelly's party. Need to swing by." I bit my lip. I didn't even notice her friends. This girl was gorgeous. Way better looking up close. They had nothing on her." I'm sorry, I'm gonna be out if town that day. Maybe some other time." RING!!! The damn bell rung. I can't believe I just got shut down. Jay punched my arm." Aye man! What was that for?" I said. That nigga hit me hard. "I know you ain't gonna let her slip away, JB." He had a point. I'm better than that.

The day went pretty slow and hiring as always. After a long day at school, I walked over to my car and saw Jennifer talking to some guy at a motorcycle parked beside me. Taylor. "JB, nice to see you man." This dude. I nodded my head and unlocked my door. "Hey Justin." I heard Jennifer say. "I remembered that you wrote music and mentioned it to Taylor. He has an uncle who looks for undiscovered talent and one of my friends said you were pretty good. Maybe that's something you'd like to do?" She was so thoughtful. "Ill check it out later, but for now I got business to handle. "Wait Justin, lets not pretend we're on good terms, because we're not." Taylor walked towards me. I was ready to fight if that's what was about to go down. "I understand music is your passion. I for one am pretty talented with music myself. I'm honestly talented with a lot of things." He winked at Jennifer. The fuck? "I'll let him know you're interested. I'll admit, you're good. Not better than me, but you're good. Its ashame to let your talent go to waste. "He handed me a card. It had his uncle's info on it. Maybe I should take advantage. "So this is your girl?" I looked at Jennifer and bit my lip. He walked over to her and kissed her neck. "You got that right, bud." He held her tight. Lucky man. She rubbed his cheek and kissed him his lips. "I gotta go guys, not that I'm not enjoying this awkward moment, but." They didnt even hear me. I'm out.

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