The IDEA of the NEW chapter

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     ( To be honest, all what I will write about success and all about it, is according to my logical  believes, some of my experiences, and my philosophy about life and success. That doesn't mean at all that no one can disagree or  comet sth else that works  or sounds logical and effective. I just believe that 90% of what I am going to explain about ways, reasons, factors, levels, and points of success are TRUE, since the other 9% depend on other ideas or paths I never thought , heard, or believe that can be true too in others people point of view, specially that everyone have different minds, lives, and personalities and have the capability to come up with new different more effective ideas to success )

     To start such an important deep topic, we must acknowledge what SUCCESS actually  means: Success isn't passing so much hard long exams in school with high grades and marks only, it isn't winning the first place of a sport competition or any kind of contests only, it isn't being famous and rich in the world only. It's achieving a goal that you desire in heart and work hard on it until you reach it and is satisfied about it no matter what it is. For something to count as a success it must be a truly desired goal for you ( being good or excellent on doing sth that you don't like a isn't a success but rather a skill), you had a hand in achieving it ( took a big part either with someone else or no ), and you comet sth you haven't done before ( not a repeated goal you have done before )  or your goal is to  develop or improve a goal ( aiming for sth higher) you already achieved. There are many of different sources to success  in life, in talents and hobbies , such as: painting, inventing,writing, dancing, cooking, chess, a sport game, even a video or play station game. Also there are sources in work, for example: founding a company, developing your job, creating new products or way to improve your job, being promoted highly, or even being hired in a  job. In addition to all that, there are the other life matters like: bringing a broken family back together, stop a bad negative habit, finding your true love, making many different friends, traveling around the world, rescuing people from poverty, racism, war, or from evil, living your life wherever however you prefer, obeying and worshiping Allah truly and deeply, passing grades or being excellent in school, building a new good family, or even being a helpful good creative effective member in a society, family, or in the world. There many countless sources and fields to succeed in and other we will hear and discover in the future by other people. Every person no matter who he or she is can succeed in anything they desire to achieve no matter how hard or odd it might seem. Even if there were close dear people  were in your way, life circumstances,  economical, physical , political, social conditions you must fight or suffer to succeed,  or a huge number of opponents  waiting to drown you whenever you shine even for a little bit, you are CAPABLE of succeeding but in the field you truly deeply desire and willing to do what it takes to achieve it. Believe me, when you find your top goal and your desire grow more and more, you will have in your soul ( mind and heart) what it takes, because when your desire is powerful, it becomes a hunger that your heart keep feeling excited and optimistic about and your mind keep thinking about it, so your mind start thinking of how will you succeed. After thinking  seriously and searching about how will you start, along the path you set yourself from, your heart ( the fuel that keeps burning and powering your will ) and your mind ( the machine that keep thinking, analyzing, and figuring out ways to pass every obstacle even if you had to improve a hard or rare skill  ) will both be on your side until you reach your destination after defeating what you once considered impossible or  it takes long time and effort to accomplish. 

     In this chapter, the articles about HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL, will be divided into two sections: 

SECTION 1: The properties that involve your HEART

SECTION 2: The qualities that involves your MIND

    In 26/1/2018, the first article of this chapter will be uploaded and ready to read. 

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