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    This is the step where you must work hard and show your current skills, but this level might take some time to get use to before even doing it right and almost  90% complete, since it's the first step on your path of success that requires so much effort, time, and patience with yourself at the beginning specially( well, in this case itself you must understand deeply no matter what your expectations were about the work and easiness of gaining this success, anything that is generally new to you will 96% surely need time and effort to do no matter how much other people say it's easy for them, and that is not because you are not creative or great, it's just means that it's new to you and you are just getting the hang of it so you could be great at it, about others that got the hang of it fast and easily is because of luck or something inside of them like strength, quick learning skills, strong focus, or high seduction , or because they were used to a similar thing in the past or they were ready for it from before, and even though, that doesn't mean that they are the only ones who will succeed in it or be creative in it ). 

   TIP: On your first attempt to work on your goal according for what you know about it, be sure to gather some information about the work from others ( who succeed or gained experience)  before trying to do it so you will at least have a view at it, and jot down some notes you deducted or learned while making the first attempts, those notes will help you on your progress of your work and will help you understand the whole thing and even find a better way to accomplish and achieve your goals. 

    After your 3-5 attempts, you at least learned or knew few things about the way of succeeding this goal in hand, after that you could try  out an easy way according to other people's way of achieving or working in this field but it must be really EFFECTIVE on you ( that may or may not work on you, you are different than them in the end ), after your experienced the old ways ( other people created) succeed, if you haven't succeed yet you will have to figure out another way on your own ( read the TIP)

   Either way, to make more progress and improve, you must work really really hard on yourself in some points specially that needs more effort and time than mental qualities, and that situations leads you to the fact that you must be STRICT with yourself and also that will need time to get use to ( if you weren't used to be strict and on point before). To be honest, I am too still struggling at this point since I am fighting my flaws to pass this step ( being strict), because it needs to concentrate so much and be punctual every time you put a plan, since there's a different between " I can do it but I haven't yet done it" and " I have done it ", so you must procrastinate the time that you must be working at, and keep reminding yourself of your true desired goal and the fact that you need to spend alot of time and do more efffort to SUCCEED.

   Being strict involves sticking with the time without delay or less and accomplishing your work that needs to be done every time you have to. For example, if you must today solve thoose sheets and type down those data on your computer ( a job), or you need to finish this essay or report to hand it to your boss, or you need to practice this technique and get the hang of it, you must convince and stick with this plan and destroy all the excuses or obstacles that tries to stop you and postpone your work, even if it takes time more than you thought but in the same time you must accomplish it before tomorrow, then focus and keep working and finishing as much as you can for today ( after all achieving a part of something is better than nothing). Believe me, until now I am regretting the days I wasn't strict with myself and didn't stick with the plan thinking " I can do it tomorrow or that I won't accomplish much so why not doing something else". 

   But the important is to learn from our mistakes and whatever we regret, so after you experienced regret from postponing or not finishing your work for yesterday out of an excuse ( not a pretty good reason worth it), try pressuring yourself a bit like threatening yourself with the most thing you stick with like deadlines with someone ( like I did when I told you the date of the next article) or promises to yourself , or any effective way. However in the end you must keep trying to force yourself to stick with a plan, ignoring the EXCUSES, and doing your best no matter what. This is a big step you must CONQUER. 

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