AFFECTED ( Society' environment: traditions and culture )

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    Define the society as you like and think, but in some way or another it's: a group of people bond by a common language, culture, and a past of living in the same current land. Since you do live in a society built by it's people ( most of the people who's culture or actions might change the society itself), plus you are capable of getting affected by anyone or anything that surrounds you if it involved you or a matter you care about, let's clear out each element that is counted as a piece of the big picture ( society environment ):

Customs and traditions:

  Now this is sth serious you have to be aware of. They are the actions, saying, or believes that runs down from a past generation to it's next considering them as rules and is hated or forbidden to not follow ( depending on what how much they mean and how much they are valued). Some families stick so much with their traditions and customs considering them as valuable as a life; they would cut out a family member only for disobeying or not agreeing with the traditions. Others reach the limit of carelessness, which leads for some of them to disrespect the traditions and customs or to be too strange for other people that value those traditions and customs.

They are very valuable and not easily to let go for many people specially from the generation of our grandfathers and parents. Eventually they would get in your way, since you are trying to go along with your present time which can contradict what you must do according to your family traditions, or even the ones that would be hard to apply or not preferable to you. In this situation, you should respect those traditions and customs no matter how insensible, hard, silly, or not preferable you might see them and accept the fact that they are precious to some people, all that doesn't mean that you should follow them or agree with them.

Second, try as much as you can not to do what gets in your way to success or what you don't want if only nth seriously bad happened to whomever is around you; if you not obeying the traditions and customs in front of the people shame them, then avoid the situations in which you have to do sth you don't agree with, if that also upset your parents then for the sake of your dear parents do what they please until you grow up and is free to follow and do whatever you want. Other than your parents that you have to live and cooperate with them, you shouldn't stick to traditions and customs you don't want to for the sake of others, since they can leave you be if they ever got annoyed from your decisions or actions.

However, if you are a fan of them, then add this believe to your believes list: " Customs and traditions are part of us not the whole us, so if anyone around you doesn't follow yours or theirs, don't consider them low or disgraceful, since they are still human who appears to be different in what they believe or follow, they only disowned a part of what makes them, no one is perfect". Another thing we should all know: " Customs and traditions are things from the past who's followers' try to make them fit the present which won't work every time since the traditions and customs must be changed at least a little bit to fit such a different time than the one they were created in, since some of them aren't needed anymore as they were needed in the past."

Some customs and traditions contain believes or actions that might complicate your actions making you feel caged and bound, if you have to apply them then don't let them change your perspectives if you don't want to or depress you. Protect your soul from getting affected by them in a negative way leading you to change the image of life or to be so stubborn or controlling toward others to forcefully follow what you see important since that happened to you . Don't let yourself feel so caged up since you still have the power to get out of your cage in other ways which might lead for some sadness from your parents but they will accept you by time, or they would abandon you meaning it's their own fault since they preferred the traditions over their son/daughter, so you only got to continue living and to be nice to them whenever you bump to them appreciating that they are the ones who gave birth to you and raised you. In conclusion, if accomplishing your true desired goal is more important than living with traditions, then don't let them get in your path or force you to do sth you don't want or accept.


     It's the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society according to the current state of most of the people ( culture can change from time to time according to the present time it is in, and it's considered as the reality of believes and ideas people are), it also express what most of them accept and agree with, plus what they found unusual, useless, or bad. You got to be aware that some details in the culture of the country you are in can seem harmful, unfair, or unreasonable, since no culture is perfect ( you can find some great features but there will always be one or more bad or wrong feature). Don't see and think with their eyes and minds, use your own. Don't cage your mind to your culture only, make it wide to see everything and then consider, not to consider then to see; not to choose an option before checking all the other options ).

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2018 ⏰

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