On the bright side, life is good. Life is fucking amazing. Now. Anyone going through a tough time listen to what I'm about to say.
It 100% DEFINITELY, POSITIVLY, MOST SURELY, gets better. Whether you're going through a heart break, lost someone dear, stressing over exams etc etc. It does look better. As my gorgeous best friend tells me, look on the bright side. I'm not an optimistic person sometimes so she tells me to always look on the good side. She can turn any bad situation into a good one. I promise you it does get better.
I personally have dealt with a lot of things but I keep smiling. Holding my head high and being happy.
I've been broken but learned to love again. It takes time. Just wait.Here's a tip, block out emotions. That's what I do. I block out everything from causing another scar on my heart. I don't think about what hurt me, if it hurt me then I block it out. I don't sulk or moan about it for days on end. Fuck it y'all just... Chill and enjoy life.
Continue being the beautiful sexy beast you are now and never. Ever. Let anyone bring you down