Chapter Three

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[Chapter Three]

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[Chapter Three]

"So, I have a question," Silas began as he sat next to James inside the living room of Cedric's place before they were supposed to be leaving to the Grimmauld Place. Milo and Cedric were outside, attempting to figure out what they were going to do with the occamy before they were to leave. Milo was trying to convince Cedric that they should keep it while Cedric was telling him to send it back to Newt as soon as possible. It left James inside with Silas as Sirius and Elspeth left to get Willow and bring her with them.

Turning his gaze over to the son of his best friends, James raised a brow, only to see the wicked grin planted on Silas' face. He had seen that smile far too many times when he was younger, it belonged to Sirius and Elspeth, clearly, there was no denying that he was their son. He remembered when Silas was first born, how Elspeth claimed that he was such a quiet child and wondered if he was going to be a quiet lad as he grew older. Obviously, she had nothing to worry about at the time. 

"You don't have to answer, if you don't want to," Silas continued, " my mum told me not to ask you because it might make you uncomfortable. But I'm so curious."

"It's fine," James chuckled, "you can ask, trust me, I've probably discussed stranger things with your mother when we were younger. What is it?"

"Well," Silas looked around to make sure it was just the two of them at the time, " is it weird using your son's body? I mean, like having to use the loo? You obviously have to look...down there...and you know, that's not yours, so is it weird?"

James pressed his lips together, watching as the grin on Silas' lips grew with every passing second of silence. The boy certainly wasn't joking when he claimed that he the question was bound to make someone uncomfortable. James hadn't found it too weird until Silas had pointed it out, now it was all he could think of. Before he could answer though, the door opened to the home and Elspeth walked in to tell them that they were leaving, however, she quickly noted the mischievous grin on her son's face and horrified one on James' or rather Harry's face.

"He asked you, didn't he?" Elspeth said looking in the direction of Silas. Almost instantly, the boy climbed over the back of the sofa and hid from his mother. "Silas!"

"I asked him if I could and he said yes!" Silas' voice sounded from the back of the sofa. "He said that you talked about strange things when you were younger. So that raises another question..."

He suddenly appeared once more. "What sort of things were you two discussing at the time?"

Elspeth folded her arms as Silas' raised a challenging brow in the direction of his mother, waiting for her answer. "Well, where do I begin, oh, I know, when we were younger, James and I would talk about how large your father's-"

The screech emitted from the boy echoed as he jumped up and ran out of the home, right outside where he nearly collided with his father, but as he peered up at him, he screeched again, only to run off in a different direction. Sirius looked beyond confused while Willow just seemed highly amused at the scene that unfolded rather quickly.