Chapter Thirty-Two

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Minerva stood at the front of her classroom and scanned around the room for a few seconds, leaving her class to do the same in worry

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Minerva stood at the front of her classroom and scanned around the room for a few seconds, leaving her class to do the same in worry. There had been reports of Professor Umbridge, the newly made High Inquisitor (whatever the hell that was supposed to mean) was supposed to be making her rounds and inspect fellow professors. At the announcement, some of the others had fretted, fearful of the annoying woman and the amount of power she had been given in such a short period of time.

However, Minerva was not among those that feared Umbridge. Indeed, she found her to be a complete and total nuisance around the castle, and she agreed with the likes of Griselda Marchbanks that Hogwarts was not an outpost for Cornelius Fudge and his snooping nature. For him to believe that students were preparing their own sort of uprising within the castle walls was foolish.

Not to mention, she had other things to worry about outside of school matters. Mostly things that pertained to her son. Every morning she woke up and wondered what sort of issue would fall upon Milo's shoulders. She also wondered just how more the boy could take considering there seemed to be something new unravelling every corner he turned. She worried about Milo, more so than anyone else, although she figured Cedric Diggory was probably a close second.

But she couldn't discuss "godly" matters out in the open, however, she could easily see when her son wasn't showing up to class. Despite having the whole "save the wizarding world" conundrum on his shoulders, Milo also had to worry about passing his classes. He had been spending more time in the Hospital Wing or in a cave, Merlin knows where, than he had been in the classroom. And that morning while he was supposed to be in her class, he had failed to show up.

She hoped more than anything that something involving the Fates or the gods hadn't come up, but no one else seemed to be on alert that she was aware of.

Seeing the nervous faces of her students as they tried to figure out what was about to take place, Minerva cleared her throat.

"Take out your textbooks and read up on bird-conjuring. No one is to leave their seats until I return. And don't think I won't know if you attempt to do so."

Quickly, the students grabbed their copies of A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration and turned to the designated chapter to explore the topic of bird-conjuring. Once they all seemed to have their heads lowered and reading, Minerva stepped out of her classroom.

Milo was seated on the little stool in front of his work station, tending to his various creatures that required his attention that morning. He knew he was running late when it came to his classes, but he wasn't even sure which class he was currently missing. If he was being truly honest, he had forgotten what day of the week it was. With all the back and forth between Regulus, Elspeth, and whatever else the gods decided to throw at him, Milo definitely thought he was neglecting his responsibilities that he owed to Paden and the others.

But that morning, he eagerly collected woodlice for Paden, moths and berries for Linet, and using his wand, he was cutting up some fruit for Dougal. It had been quite the process and he remembered Cedric calling into the trunk a little while before, telling him not to be late for class. However, he couldn't remember how long ago that had been either.