Chapter Eighteen

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[Chapter Eighteen]

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[Chapter Eighteen]

With all the information that Milo had to take in involving the Gods, the Fates, and everything in between like the Order business, he only realised how much he was missing out when it came to his normal life. Missing out on things like Heidi and George dating or Ron being involved with a girl from his own House, it was becoming irritating that his own social life was suffering. He understood why it is, of course, he understood that he was making sacrifices for the greater good of it all.

The greater good.

Regulus' warning came flooding back into Milo's mind as the young man had warned him not to listen to the idea of the greater good, or rather the person who claimed it. But Milo didn't know who was claiming such things or what it was about. He wondered if he could ask his mother about it after classes, wondering if she could connect anything. It was his best bet, or at least, he would assume so, there wasn't anyone more knowledgeable in his eyes beyond his mother. While thinking of all that, Milo had to remember that he was also facing his sixth year as of that moment, which meant multiple things.

He was now a N.E.W.T. level student and while a lot of sixth years saw it as an opportunity to have more free time on their hands, it certainly wasn't the case. It just meant he had more time on his hands that would be filled with so much work that he needed to balance out. While the result of his O.W.L.s had been outshined by everything going on around him, Milo was proud of himself for how well he did given the circumstances. Despite all the craziness going on in his life, Milo had managed some great scorings, with the exception of Potions, but he didn't care at all about that. He was glad to not have to deal with Professor Snape any longer, the man was nothing more than a fart into the wind in Milo's mind as he proceeded.

Even his mother didn't make a fuss about it as she didn't mention the lower grade in comparison to the others. Milo had no desire to pursue a career in potioning, and if he wanted to go into studying Magical Creatures, he had better ways of spending his class time and academics. Milo was certain his mother was just thankful that Milo had been able to take the exams after being post-poned due to the Triwizard Tournament, not to mention actually due well considering everything that had fallen upon him during the school year.

Astronomy: E

Care of Magical Creatures: O

Charms: O

Defense Against the Dark Arts: O

Herbology: O

History of Magic: E

Potions: A

Transfiguration: O

Arithmancy: E

In Milo's mind, the most important classes in his mind were mostly the core subjects that he succeeded in, along with Care of Magical Creatures. It was what he wanted to focus on the most because while he wasn't sure what he was going to do after Hogwarts, he knew it was going to heavily involve being around magical creatures. On top of his classes, he knew he also had his duties to the Hufflepuff Quidditch team as it was Cedric's final year on the team and he was sure that Cedric wanted to go out with a big win. But it was going to be quite the challenge because James was returning to the Gryffindor Team unbeknownst to his teammates with the exception of Fred and George.