Chapter Sixteen

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[Chapter Sixteen]

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[Chapter Sixteen]

Milo didn't want to sound cruel, but Umbridge was a frightening woman to look at it.

Even if he didn't find a person to be attractive within his taste, he could at least come up with one nice thing to compliment them on, but as the woman looked around the Great Hall with that sickeningly sweet smile on her face, he just found himself frightened as if he was face to face with a dangerous beast. It probably didn't help the fact that she had been one of the ones to vote against his father when Harry's name had been placed on trial, that had left a bitter taste in Milo's mouth that even the sweetest pastry on the table couldn't erase.

The Sorting Hat despite the solemn song it had sung earlier, breezed through the Sorting Ceremony without a hiccup leaving Dumbledore to tell everyone the usual "tuck in" so they could all eat. However, before Milo even dared to reach out for a slice of pie or even a treacle tart, he rose from the bench and made his way out of the Great Hall. His mother had walked out with the Sorting Hat earlier after the ceremony had ended and as soon as he walked through the double doors he spotted Minerva making her way back down the corridor to return.

Words could simply not express how much he had missed his mother that summer. Despite the time they had together, it wasn't enough, not compared to previous summers where he would spend any of her and his free time together. The last couple of summers, their interaction had been limited and Milo didn't like that at all. He understood the reasoning behind it that past summer, after all, the Order was of great importance, but his mother was also one, if not the most important person in his life.

He loved Cedric, his family and friends, but Minerva had been there from his earliest memories, the one who had raised him and been the most influential person in his life (besides Newt Scamander) and the thing was, she didn't have to be. She didn't have any obligation to take him in back when he was two years old, but she had done it. She had become his mother and Milo didn't care if people saw him as a little Mummy's boy, he appreciated the woman too much to care.

As soon as he saw her, they didn't even bother with verbal greetings, the two just embraced in a long and overdue hug. It was hard to determine who was holding the other the tightest but it really didn't matter because the two were awfully content for the time being, finally being reunited.

"Are you ready for the term to begin?" he asked her in an amused tone, causing the hug to break for a moment as Minerva pulled away and gave her son a look.

"Not only do I have to keep an eye out on Fred and George Weasley, Lee Jordan, Peeves, you, Silas Hayes, and now, I get the honour of looking over your father...again. Do you really wish for me to answer that question, Milo?"

There was a hint of amusement in her own voice, he knew very well that his mother was somewhat happy that James Potter was back at Hogwarts, even if it was under odd circumstances.