Chapter Five

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[Chapter Five]

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[Chapter Five]

James was not thrilled about being kept out of the meeting with the Order as he figured he had every right to hear about the information that was pertaining to "him." After all, shouldn't Harry have somewhat of a say as to what was going to take part in his life? Apparently, the majority did not agree as it was only his friends that argued against it. It left him among the other children, in which he felt awkward to be around. They all seemed like a nice sort, but having to watch what he said around Hermione was proving to be difficult and he just thought it would be easier to remain silent. However, the longer he remained quiet, the angrier he became knowing that Severus was in at the meeting. That man had no right to be anywhere near his sons or be part of any decision making where their lives mattered. 

Did the man think he was in the good graces of Lily's spirit because he had changed sides or because he was part of the Order? Far from it, the man probably didn't realise that they kept a watch on how he treated their boys, not to mention others. The poor boy of Alice and Frank, Neville had to suffer through the bully of a man that continued to reign terror on the students he didn't like. James could admit that he wasn't the best person back during his years of Hogwarts, but as an adult, Severus knew what it was liked to be bullied and if he was so against it at the time, why did he force the same behaviours on children?

Back then, they had all been the same age as they went back and forth and as much as Severus tried to play the fact that he was innocent, his interaction with Death Eaters, showed that he was just as prone to bullying as well. But now, Severus was a grown man and he was picking on children that were half his age or younger. Who was he kidding? He may have had Dumbledore fooled, but James didn't believe for a second that there was an ounce of good in Snivellus. His love for Lily wasn't love, he didn't care who said what. 

Elspeth had quoted it perfectly back when they were in their fifth year of Hogwarts. 

"Possessive, Lily, he's possessive, another P word, equally as long and it means something completely different."

If Severus thought he was doing something to get into Lily's good graces, he was sorely mistaken. Because Lily saw the way Severus spoke to both of her sons, how he nearly made Milo cry when he was younger, how he taunted Harry in class over his "celebrity" status. His celebrity status was given to the boy when his parents were murdered in cold blood in their home and Severus thought it would be fine to mock it. 

"Harry, are you alright?" Hermione's voice rang out, causing him to jump. Quickly, James realised that she was sitting next to him on the old tattered sofa, leaving him to feel uncomfortable with her so close. He had been warned numerous times that Hermione was brilliant and with her so close, James was fearful that she would just pick up on the slightest of things and call him out on the fact that he wasn't Harry.

Remus had pointed out that she had discovered he was a werewolf easily, so they all had to be careful around her. It only left James to question why one of the gods or goddesses had yet to pick up Hermione and place her under their protection as she was certainly resourceful and useful.