Chapter Seventeen

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[Chapter Seventeen]

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[Chapter Seventeen]

The term wasn't off to the best start in Cedric's mind, despite just being glad that they were back at the school and not at the Grimmauld Place. He thought it would be easier for Milo to transition back and while it was in some ways, Cedric knew his hands were going to full, not only with the antics of the other students but just his boyfriend in general. The problem was, most of the time, Milo didn't go out of his to cause trouble, but he still managed to cause it without trying. Unfortunately, the incident in the Great Hall, Cedric had a feeling that it would come back to haunt Milo in some form of way, especially with the way Umbridge had looked at him.

The woman obviously already had her issues with "Harry" as she had been one that raised her hand calling for the boy's expulsion from the school. Since she had been denied that opportunity, Cedric had a feeling that the woman would be watching the Potter boys very closely in hopes of getting them in trouble in any way she knew how. Thankfully, Milo had Professor McGonagall on his side and it took a special kind of stupid to think it was a good idea to do anything to hurt her son. As for James, he was going to have to be extra careful, especially with his outbursts.

It probably felt great for James to be back in school, the familiarity of the castle that he already spent seven years in. However, at the same time, James was not acting like Harry, especially after the "bless you" shoutout in the Great Hall. As Cedric remembered what Harry was like, Harry wasn't one to do things for attention, it just so happened that most of the attention was directed at him without him trying. He was a quieter sort in comparison to his father, people knew him, but Harry never really went out of his way to be sociable outside of his group of friends.

After Milo had left from the Great Hall, Cedric had looked across the way at the Gryffindor table to see that "Harry" had become a social butterfly, talking with practically everyone at the Gryffindor table, including the newly sorted. Ron was trying to reel him back in but it was pretty much too late at that point, James had the Gryffindors laughing and carrying on, something Harry was not usually a part of, that was normally the task of the Weasley twins. In fact, the Weasley twins looked incredibly happy to have James in their company, and Lee looked surprised yet thrilled at the same time as he was completely unaware of what was going on.

As Cedric looked over his shoulder in the direction of the Ravenclaw table, he could see Indra, her hand clapped over her face, shaking her head. The twins, one of them being her soulmate, were not helping as they encouraged James' behaviour and if they wanted to make it look like nothing was up, they were doing a terrible job at it.

Thankfully, they didn't have to remain in the Great Hall much longer as Umbridge finished up her long speech, where no one could recall what she was even talking about. Dumbledore dismissed them, allowing them to head off to bed without anymore announcement. Of course, Cedric's job was hardly done with as he had to gather the first years, make sure the prefects were all aware of what they were supposed to be doing and make sure that every student was going where they needed to.