Chapter Twelve

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[Chapter Twelve]

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[Chapter Twelve]

Milo stared at the demiguise that rested in his arms, feeling torn between two emotions. One side, full of nerves, wondering what the demiguise wanted to share with him, and the other, pure giddiness because he was actually holding a demiguise in his arms. He knew very well that it was incredibly rare to catch one of the creatures, Newt being one of the few in the world to do so. It was all due to the fact that demiguise had precognitive sight, they were able to see what one would do, and in order for a person or predator to catch them, they had to be completely unpredictable in their actions. Milo was dying to ask Newt what he had done to capture the creature, but there were important matters to tend to and they involved him.

The demiguise had witnessed something that involved Milo and it was obvious that he wanted to share it with the boy, the problem was, there was a massive communication barrier between them. Newt openly admitted that he didn't speak the demiguise dialect and Milo didn't know it either. Dougal didn't speak English, nor was he capable of writing it, leaving it all to be quite the mess to try and figure out what the message was going to be. 

Newt and Cedric were attempting to brainstorm a possible form of communication, but Milo couldn't contain himself anymore.

"If you would just excuse me for one moment," Milo told them, bringing the other two to look up. They suddenly witnessed the bright expression of overwhelming excitement take to Milo's face as the boy began practically cooing over Dougal. Newt and Cedric were forced to watch as Milo spoke in a rapid voice to the demiguise that just stared at him, Dougal had obviously not seen that coming. 

Since Cedric had cut him off earlier when Milo was fully prepared to run off facts pertaining to demiguise, it had only been bubbling at the surface the entire time and Milo had finally burst. 

"You have a lovely coat, Dougal, you've taken care of it over time. It would be highly sought after, wouldn't it? Thankfully, it's been outlawed to collect demiguise pelts, but did you know that the core of my wand is a demiguise hair-"

Suddenly, Newt interrupted the conversation and approached Milo. "What did you say? The core of your wand is a demiguise hair? You've told me this before, haven't you?"

Milo turned to the man and nodded his head. "Yes, back when I had to purchase my second one. It was after I sent you the basilisk skin because I lost my first wand in the Chamber of Secrets."

Cedric frowned, remembering back to the day where Milo's mangled body had been pulled from the rubble of the collapsed tunnel. It seemed that it didn't bother Milo anymore, but it still bothered Cedric to think about it. 

"And you purchased it from Ollivander's shop, correct?" Newt continued to question. Milo nodded his head. "Do you have your wand on you, Milo?"

Milo should have made the connections that Newt was hinting at, but he was too involved and distracted with Dougal. However, he did oblige by taking his wand out from where it was tucked up his sleeve, handing it over to the wizard. But Newt told him to hold onto it for a moment and he was right in doing so as Dougal suddenly seemed to take interest in the wand as well. Within seconds, the creature, with its ape-like hands reached out and wrapped its fingers around the wand. Just as Cedric and Milo were preparing to ask what was going on, the wand lit up with the bright blue light, just as Dougal did in Milo's arms.