Chapter Twenty-Six

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[Chapter Twenty-Six]

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[Chapter Twenty-Six]

It was safe to say that the tension that filled the room could not even be cut by the sharpest blade in the world. There was such a thickness to the air that Milo found it hard to breathe, especially as he looked back and forth between Regulus and Sirius. There was such a vast difference to the expressions that took to their faces, as Regulus looked actually quite happy to be reunited with his older brother. He was given a second chance to wrong the right and inform Sirius of the truth that led to his initial downfall. But, on the other hand, Sirius looked as though he had entered a nightmare of sorts. Thoughts of Regulus and their family had plagued his thoughts for so long, the betrayal of being cast out of the family simply because he had formed different views and to have his younger brother become a Death Eater, all was not settling well in his mind.

If looks could kill, Regulus would have found himself back in the cave with the Inferi.

Sirius looked infuriated at the idea of Regulus trying to pass along a joke after so many years had gone by and they hadn't exactly ended things on good terms. When Regulus had died, he had died a Death Eater in Sirius' mind, as part of the enemy they had all been fighting. Of course, Regulus knew a different story and there had been hope, that the initial shock would just allow him to buy some time and explain everything. But no such thing happened as Sirius, as Milo explained, was definitely one to take action first and ask questions later. Within seconds, Sirius went for his wand and was ready to knock Regulus back, thinking that everyone in the room was in danger.

"Uncle Sirius, stop!" Milo called to him, bringing Sirius to look over at him right away. Milo hadn't seen such a maddening look on Sirius' face since he was driven by anger back in the Shrieking Shack with his attempt to kill Peter.

Milo placed himself in the way of Sirius' aim at Regulus, attempting to act as a shield, but Sirius pushed him out of the way.

"I don't know what is going on!" Sirius spat as Milo fell to the floor, landing at Cedric's feet. "But-"

"If you don't know what's going on, then why don't you let us explain!?" Milo snapped back. "Stop being so dramatic and just listen! This whole Order needs to work on their listening skills because it is definitely lacking!"

Sirius stopped, at least, enough that he wasn't fighting to get over to Regulus, but he had yet to lower his wand.

"I thought you were dead?!" he called over to Regulus.

Not really taking the threat of his life very seriously, Regulus gave a small nod of his head.

"Trust me, brother, I thought the same."

"Don't call me that," Sirius seethed, " don't call me brother, not after everything you've done. We share the same blood but that's as far as it goes."

There was a strong frown that developed on Regulus' face as Sirius demanded that he not refer to him as a brother. Milo could sympathise right away as he knew all about broken brotherly bonds. And once again, Dumbledore was the source behind it all and yet they were just taking it out on each other.